xee vut ee qoktow, cingjing, an'unw, bibiau, kuaiwlok, viw buuii Nirvana qingxqair kacc
sux hunsiaur narnia. Hiaxee soxu sniabunn, posad, tenzinn, qapp langg, diwhui
qybingg, sintongx tongted, longxx qang jit lui, guarhingg byy sniaw byy qangg. Dna' in'ui suisun inx dirr qitnax soxjai ee ca'ngi, mrjiacc u tenzinn qapp langg jiaxee
miaa. Inx ee siongwmau duanjniar, sewqanx hanxiuw, guarhingg bibiau, m si tenzinn iacc langg tangx viw, longxx niaxsiu jurzenn hubuu ee srinx qapp byy qigtauu ee tew."
(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 30)
That Buddha-land, like the realm of
unconditioned Nirvana, is pure and serene, resplendent and blissful. The shravakas, bodhisattvas, heavenly beings and humans there have lofty and brilliant wisdom, and are masters of the supernatural powers. They are all of one form, without any differences, but are called 'heavenly beings' and 'humans' simply by analogy with the states of existence in other worlds. They are of noble and majestic countenance, unequaled in all the worlds, and their appearance is superb, unmatched by any being, heavenly or human. They are all endowed with bodies of Naturalness, Emptiness, and Infinity."
(佛說無量壽經 - 30)