qra Ananda qongw, "Hitt qog ee posad singlingw Vut ee uisinn, jiac jit dxngr ee
siqanx, tangx qaur qaxx sibhongx buliong sewqair, qiongqingr qiong'iongw soxu
vut sewjunx. Jiauww ix
ee simliam, huex, hniux, gag’imx, itac, dongrhuanx, buliong qiong'iongw ee
kiwqu jurzenn huawsnix, jid’err sniu dyrr qaur. Digvet ee jinjux, m si sewqanx
soxx u, vutsii ixx jex hongrhenr hro jiongww vut ixqip soxu posad qapp sniabunn
dairjiongr. Dirr hukongx-diongx, huar jyr huex-kamr, qngsig siamxsih, pangkuir
siwqer liutuann. Hex huex ngijiux sir-vah lxiw, zucuw juanw dingvue,
tangx kamr snax-cingx daircenx sewqair, jiauww jing'au, jiauww cuwsu huar .kir.
Hiaxee posad dua hnuahiw, dirr hukongx-diongx qiongrdongg jraur tengak, ixx bibiau ee imx, iong quasniax janwtanr vut ee dikhing. Tniasiu qinghuad, hnuahiw
buliong. Qiong'iongw vut suah, be jiac jinwjingg, hutzenqanx
kinx kinx vuex .kiw .laii dngw kir inx ee vunxqog."
(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 43)
The Buddha said to Ananda, "By the Buddha's power, bodhisattvas of
thatland go to innumerable worlds of the ten quarters, in as short a time as ittakes to eat a meal, in order to pay homage and make offerings to theBuddhas, the World-Honored Ones. If those bodhisattvas so wish,uncountable and innumerable offerings, such as flowers, incense, music, silken canopies and banners, spontaneously appear before them as soon as they are imagined. They are rare and marvelous, unlike anything in thisworld. They are, accordingly, offered to the assemblies of Buddhas,bodhisattvas and shravakas. The flowers remain in the sky and gather intocanopies. Their brilliance is dazzling and their fragrance pervadeseverywhere. The flower-canopies range in size, from those of four hundred li in circumference up to those large enough to cover the universe of a thousand million worlds. As new flower-canopies appear, old ones disappear. These bodhisattvas all rejoice together, and, while poised in mid-air, play heavenly music and praise the virtues of the Buddhas with hymns accompanied by wonderful sounds. They listen to the Dharma and attain immeasurable joy. After thus worshipping the Buddhas, they quickly return home to the Pure Land before their meal."
(佛說無量壽經 - 43)