Ursii e henr javolangg
ee sindniux, ursii e henr jaboxlangg ee sindniux, ursii e henr tnix-lringg ee sindniux, ursii e henr quixsinn ee sindniux, ursii e henr snuax, ciurnaa, kex, juixtauu, hyy,
juixdii, juixjnuaa, iacc jnew ee kuanxtew laii lirig langg, jinrqaix hro inx dortuad. Ursii e henr tnider
ee sindniux, ursii e henr Brahma Ongg ee sindniux, ursii e henr dngw lenw ongg ee sindniux,
ursii e henr qusu ee sindniux, ursii e henr qok'ongg ee sindniux, ursii e henr jnaixsiongr
ee sindniux, ursii e henr qnua'uann ee sindniux, ursii e henr bikiu, bikiuni, upasaka,
upasika, simrjiww sniabunn, arhat, pratiekabuddha, iacc posad dingxdingw ee
sindniux laii qra inx dorhuar. M na dna' iong vut ee sindniux dirr inx binrjingg henxhen.
(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)
(The Division Bodies - 4)
I may appear in a male
body. I may appear in a female body. I may appear in the body of a god or
dragon. I may appear in the body of a spirit or ghost. I may appear as a
mountain, as a forest, as a stream, as a spring, as a river, as a lake, as a
fountain, or as a well in order to benefit people. I use all these ways to save
beings. I may appear in the body of God Shakra. I may appear in the body of
Lord Brahma. I may appear in the body of a Wheel-Turning King. I may appear in
the body of a lay person. I may appear in the body of a national leader. I may
appear in the body of a prime minister. I may appear in the body of an
official. I may appear in the body of a Bhikshu, a Bhikshuni, an Upasaka, an
Upasika, and so forth to my appearing in the body of a Sound-hearer, an Arhat,
a Pratyekabuddha, or a Bodhisattva in order to teach and rescue beings. It is
not that I only appear to them in the body of a Buddha.
(分身集會品 - 4)
或現男子身、或現女人身、或現天龍身、 或現神鬼身、或現山林川原、河池泉井,利及於人,悉皆度脫。或現天帝身、或現梵王身、或現轉輪王身、或現居士身、或現國王身、或現宰輔身、或現官屬身、或現比丘、比丘尼、優婆塞、優婆夷身、乃至聲聞、羅漢、辟支佛、菩薩等身、而以化度。非但佛身,獨現其前。