(Dergak ee Miahy)
Hitt sii, Poxhenn Dua Posad qra Derjong Posad qongw, "Zinjuu :ee, ngwbang liw uirr tenzinn, lringg, sir jiongw derjuw, ixqip birlaii qapp henrjai itcer jiongwsingx qangxsuad Saha Sewqair qapp Jambudvipa uirr jue siurkow ee jiongwsingx sriu vywingr ee soxjai, dergak ee miahy, ixqip og vyr dingxdingw jiaxee dairjir, tangx hro birlaii sxer Vudhuad buexqii ee jiongwsingx jaix jiaxee qyxvyr."
(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)
(Names of Hells -1)
At that time Universal Worthy
Bodhisattva, Mahasattva said to Earth Store Bodhisattva, "Humane One, for
the sake of gods and dragons, those in the Fourfold Assembly, and all other
beings of the present and future, please tell us the names of the hells where
beings in the Saha world on the continent of Jambudvipa must suffer
retributions for offenses they commit. Please also describe what happens during
retributions undergone for evil deeds so that beings in the future Dharma
Ending Age will know what those retributions are."
(地獄名號品 - 1)