Derjong rinr qongxx, "Zinjuu :ee! Guaw singlingw Vuddyy uidig ee sinlat qapp dairsu liw ee lat, dnaxx beh iokliok qongw jit xe aw dergak ee miahy ixqip huanrjue ee vywingr qapp jyr og ee vywingr jiaxee dairjir.
(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)
(Names of Hells -2)
Earth Store Bodhisattva
replied, "Humane One, based on the awesome spiritual power of the Buddha
and relying on your strength, Great Bodhisattva, I will give a general list of
the names of hells and describe some of what happens during retributions
undergone for offenses and evil deeds.
(地獄名號品 - 2)