
Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Sir-20)

Jiaxee Jambudvipa ee jiongwsingx in'ui srinx, kauw, qapp ir ee giabhing jyrsingg og ee sibkir soxx qed ee qyw, vaccingx jiongw vywingr, dnaxx u coliok suatbingg. Jiaxee Jambudvipa ee jiongwsingx, inx giap ee qyxvyr u jingcax, Derjong Posad iong vaccingx jiongw hongven hxuad laii qra inx qauwhuar. Jiaxee jiongwsingx taukixsingx e sriu dingxbin hiaxee vywingr, au .laii duirlyc dergak, qinglik quxdngg ee qiapsor, an' hiax cud .laii ee zidjiw byy duiwqii. Soxiw linw diyhh vyxho langg qapp vyxho qog, m tangx hro jiaxee jiongwsingx siurr jiongxjiongw giap soxx behik."
Sir xui tenongg tniax liauw, lrauu bagsaiw, vitanr, habjiongw trer .kir.    

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)   
(Karmic Retributions of Beings of Jambudvipa -20)   
The bad habits involving body, mouth, and mind karma that beings of Jambudvipa perpetuate, result in hundreds of thousands of retributions like those. I have listed only a few examples here. Since the karma created by beings of Jambudvipa calls forth different responses, Earth Store Bodhisattva uses hundreds of thousands of expedient means to teach and transform them. The bad habits involving body, mouth, and mind karma that beings of Jambudvipa perpetuate, result in hundreds of thousands of retributions like those. I have listed only a few examples here. Those beings must first undergo retributions such as those and then fall into the hells, where they pass through eons without being able to escape. You should therefore protect people and protect nations. Do not allow the accumulation of karma to confuse beings."
On hearing that, the Four Heavenly Kings wept in sorrow, placed their palms together, and withdrew. 

(閻浮眾生業感品 - 20)   

