u, Poxpenr Qongxdai! Narr birlaiser u javolangg iacc jaboxlangg quxdngg dyw dirr bincngg, qriuu uac lehh iacc qriuu siw longxx be did diyc. Inx ursii bang diyc og qxuiw, simrjiww qasiok cinlangg, iacc dirr hiamw lo qnia'iuu, iacc je pnaiw bang, sinhunn qapp qxuiw jiu'iuu. Nii quw
guec cimx, inx venr qaxx siausanw lyhbah, beh siw dongrhnir ee kuanw, dirr kunwbinn-diongx qiyr kow, cnicamw be kuaiwlok. Jiaxee
longxx si giabjer lunrduanr, kindang iauxx byy dingrlun, diwsuw uree siursor yh siar, uree rix be
hyw. Sewqanx lamluw ee siogganw byy huatdo hunved jitt hy kuanw su.
(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)
(The Thus Come One's Praises -10)
Moreover, Universally Expansive, in the future,
men or women may be bedridden for years and in spite of their wishes be unable
either to get well or to die. At night they may dream of evil ghosts, or of
family and relatives, or of wandering on dangerous paths. In numerous
nightmares they may roam with ghosts and spirits. As days, months, and years go
by, such people may weaken and waste away, cry out in pain in their sleep, and
become progressively depressed and melancholy. Those things happen when the
force of karma has not yet been determined, which makes it difficult for them
to die and impossible for them to be cured. The ordinary eyes of men and women
cannot recognize such things.
(如來讚歎品 -10)