inx ee iwsig hunsnuar, qaur kuir jin, simrjiww jit zit, nng zit, snax zit, sir
zit qaur cid zit, dogdok diyhh dua sniax qra inx qongw, dua sniax siongrtog qingbunn.
Jitt xee langg siurjiongx, siokser ee jai'iongx qapp dang jue, simrjiww u huan gnoxgik byy qnaiwdng ee jue, tangx ingxuanw did diyc qaixtuad. Bylun cutsir dirr dyhh,
inx siongsiongg jaix siokser ee mia. Hyhongr senrlamjuw iacc senrluxzinn narr qaqi causiaw jitt py qingx
iacc qar langg' causiaw, higjiaw qaqi diaukig iacc rue posad ee hingsiong, simrjiww qar langg' diaukig iacc qar langg' rue, inx soxx
sriu ee qyxvyr vitdnia did diyc dua lirig.
(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)
(The Thus Come One's Praises -12)
(The Thus Come One's Praises -12)
If their consciousnesses are already scattered and their breathing has
stopped, then for one, two, three, four, and on through seven days, others
should continue to inform them clearly and to read this Sutra aloud. When those
people's lives end, they will gain liberation from all heavy and disastrous
offenses they committed in previous lives, even offenses warranting Fivefold
Relentless Retribution. They will be born in places where they will always know
past lives. How much greater will the karmic reward be if good men or good
women can write out this Sutra themselves or commission others to do so. If
they can carve or paint images themselves or commission others to do so, the
benefits they receive will be great indeed!
(如來讚歎品 -12)