
Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Lak-13)

Mrjiacc qongxx Poxpenr Qongxdai! Liw narr qnir diyc u langg decc siongrtog jitt py qingx, simrjiww kiw jit xee liamrtauu beh janwtanr jitt py qingx, iacc si u qra qiongqingr :ee, liw diyhh iong cingvah jiongw hongven laii koxkngr inx jiaxee langg unkunn ee simx m tangx dywter. Dirr birlaii qapp henrjai, inx tangx did diyc cingbanrig vutsugi ee qongdig. 

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)         
(The Thus Come One's Praises -13)  
Therefore, Universally Expansive, if you see people reading and reciting this Sutra or even having a single thought of praise for it, or if you meet someone who reveres it, you should employ hundreds of thousands of expedients to exhort such people to be diligent and not retreat. In both the present and the future they will be able to obtain billions of inconceivable meritorious virtues. 

(如來讚歎品 -13) 

