Siong'ingr Vxo (1-7-7)
7. Cingjing :ee
Hitt jun, Sewjunx diamr dirr Savatthi Sniaa…
Hitt sii, Bharadvaja ee brahmin Cingjing :ee laii Sewjunx hiax vaiwhongw. Vaiwhue ee sii, ix qapp Sewjunx horsiongx diwir bunrhau liauw dirr vnix:a jre. Jre dirr vnix:a jitt xee Bharadvaja ee brahmin Cingjing :ee dirr Sewjunx hiax liam jitt siuw jimgensix qongxx:
“Suizenn ciqair qniaa koxhingg,
Dirr sewqanx bylun zuhyy,
Brahmin longxx byy cingjing.
Diwsig qapp hing'uii longxx singjiu :ee,
Dandanx jitt hy jiacc si cingjing,
Ixgua :ee longxx byy cingjing.”
“Dyrr sngr liamrjiur qyckacc je,
Lairbin din'aix muaw muw byy cingkir,
Guarbin kyr kimuaa,
M si snix cutsir dyrr si brahmin.
Piwzu khattiia,
brahmin, vessa,
sudda, ciadala,
Iacc harjyh cringx vunwsyr :ee,
Qutlat jingjinr byy kuthok,
Siongsiongg iongxbingw decc jingjinr,
Tangx drat qaur jiwsiong cinging.
Brahmin, jex liw diyhh liauxqaiw.”
Jiaxee ue qongw liauw, Bharadvaja ee brahmin Cingjing :ee iong jiaxee ue qra Sewjunx qongw, “Gotama si jueww derr id uixdai…”
Qycc, jit xee Bharadvaja ee brahmin jniaa juer jit xee arahant.
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-7-7)
7. Suddhika
Setting at Savatthi.
Then the brahmin Suddhika Bharadvaja approached the Blessed One and exchanged greetings with him. When they had concluded their greetings and cordial talk, he sat down to one side and recited this verse in the presence of the Blessed One:
“In the world no brahmin is ever purified
Though he be virtuous and austere in practice;
One accomplished in knowledge and conduct is purified,
Not the others, the common folk.”
“Even though one mutters many chants,
One does not become a brahmin by birth
If one is rotten within and defiled,
Supporting oneself by fraudulent means.
Whether one be a khattiya or brahmin,
A vessa, sudda, or outcast,
If one be resolute, energetic,
Always firm in exertion,
One attains the supreme purity:
Know, O brahmin, that this is so.”
When this was said, the brahmin Suddhika Bharadvaja said to the Blessed One: “Mag
nificent, Master Gotama!”
… And the Venerable Bharadvaja became one of the arahants.
(相應部 1-7-7)
雖持戒苦行 世間之如何
婆羅門不清 明行具足者
唯此是清淨 其外無淨者
雖多唱馱咒 埃滿內不淨
外依於欺瞞 非生婆羅門
譬如剎帝利 婆羅門毘舍
首陀旃陀羅 下水清掃人
精勤而不撓 常勇猛精進
達最勝清淨 知此婆羅門
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
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