13. Davahita
Savatthi Sniaa ee inenn. Hitt sii, Sewjunx qamw .diyc. Junjiaw Upavana decc surhau Sewjunx.
Hitt sii, Sewjunx duiww junjiaw Upavana qongw, “Upavana, tec siyx juiw hro guaw.”
“Hyw, Sewjunx.” Junjiaw Upavana huedab Sewjunx liauw, dyrr cing snxax tec vxuah, qaur brahmin Davahita mngkakauw, diam diam dirr vnix:a kia lehh.
Brahmin Devahita knuar diyc junjiaw Upavana diam diam dirr vnix:a kia lehh, dyrr iong jimgensix duiww junjiaw Upavana qongw:
“Junjiaw diam diam kia lehh,
Tir qngx tauu cing qasex.
Beh dnic sniaw beh qriuu sniaw?
Beh tyw sniaw jiacc laii jiax?”
“Arahant Sxen Quewongg,
Singwjiaw kir qamw .diyc.
Narr u siyx juiw,
Brahmin cniaw liw hro vut."
"Qiongqib hro qaix qiongqib :ee,
Junqingr qaix junqingr :ee,
Qingwdiong qaix qingwdiong :ee,
Guaw guanrir sangr hro ix.”
Hitt jun, Davahita qra jit dnar siyx juiw qapp jit quanr tngbit sangr hro junjiaw Upavana.
Hitt jun, junjiaw Upavana dngw kir Sewjunx hiax, surhau Sewjunx iong siyx juiw sexik, iong tngbit traur siyx juiw hro Sewjunx limx. Dyrr anxnix, Sewjunx ee vni uanjuann.
Hitt jun, brahmin Devahita laii Sewjunx hiax vaiwhongw, hiongr Sewjunx diwir qapp mngranx. Ix qapp Sewjunx qaudamm liauw dirr vnix :a jre. Jre dirr vnix:a ee brahmin Devahit iong jimgensix duiww Sewjunx qongw:
“Ingqaix vowsix dirr dyhh?
Vowsix sniaw u dua qongqyw?
Diyhh anwjnuaw qiongqib,
Hitt hy vowsix ee quexjiw jiacc e hongsiux?”
“Liauxqaiw siokmia,
U qnir diyc tenqair qapp og dy,
Ixx dadqaur snix ee bedjin,
Tongdat dyrliw ee singwjiaw,
Liw ingqaix vowsix hro ix.
Vowsix hro inx u dua qongqyw.
Jitt hy kuanw qionqib,
Vowsix ee quexjiw e hongsiux.”
Jiaxee ue qongw liauw, brahmin Devahita iong jiaxee ue duiww Sewjunx qongw, “Junjiaw Gotama si jueww derr id uixdai! Gotama si jueww derr id uixdai! Gotama kyxviw hro dyw .lyc .ee vreh kiw, virr kamr :ee henxhen, jixsi dyrlo hro bebangg :ee, kyxviw u bagjiux :ee tangx qnir diyc mihqnia ee hxingg, kyxviw oamr diongx qongbingg ee dinghuew. Junjiaw Gotama qongw jiongxjiongw hxuad. Guaw beh quiix Sewjunx, Hxuad, qapp jingdoo, hibang dirr Sewjunx Gotama jitt xui cutqex siurqair. Guan junjiaw Gotama jiaplap guaw qimzit ixau quiix juer iuvysad.”
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-7-13)
13. Devahita
Setting at Savatthi. Now on that occasion the Blessed One was afflicted by winds and
the Venerable Upavana was his attendant.
Then the Blessed One addressed the Venerable Upavana thus: “Come now, Upavana, find some hot water for me.”
“Yes, venerable sir,” the Venerable Upavana replied. Then he dressed and, taking bowl and robe, went to the residence of the brahmin Devahita, where he stood silently to one side.
The brahmin Devahita saw the Venerable Upavana standing silently to one side and addressed him in verse:
“Silent, the worthy one stands,
Shaven-headed, clad in a stitched robe.
What do you want, what do you seek,
What have you come here to beg?”
“The Arahant, the Sublime One in the world,
The Sage is now afflicted with winds.
If there is any hot water here,
Please, brahmin, give it for the Sage."
"He is worshipped by those worthy of worship,
Honoured by those worthy of honour,
Respected by those worthy of respect:
It is to him that I wish to take it.”
Then the brahmin Devahita ordered a man to bring a carrying pole with hot water and presented a bag of molasses to the Venerable Upavana. Then the Venerable Upavana approached the Blessed One. He had the Blessed One bathed with the hot water, and he mixed the molasses with hot water and offered it to him. Then the Blessed One’s ailment subsided.
Then the brahmin Devahita approached the Blessed One and exchanged greetings with him, after which he sat down to one side and addressed the Blessed One in verse:
“Where should one give a proper gift?
Where does a gift bear great fruit?
How, for one bestowing alms,
Does an offering bring success—just how?”
“One who has known his past abodes,
Who sees heaven and the plane of woe,
Who has reached the destruction of birth,
A sage consummate in direct knowledge:
Here one should give a proper gift,
Here a gift bears great fruit.
That’s how, for one bestowing alms,
An offering brings success—just so!”
When this was said, the brahmin Devahita said to the Blessed One: “Magnificent, Master Gotama! Magnificent, Master Gotama!… Let Master Gotama remember me as a lay follower who from today has gone for refuge for life.”
(相應部 1-7-13)
尊者默然立 禿頭僧伽梨
何欲及何求 為乞何而來
阿羅漢善逝 聖者患感冒
若有溫水者 婆羅門與佛
供養應供人 尊崇可尊人
敬於可敬人 我願齎予彼
應布施何處 施何有大果
何處於供養 其施果榮盛
若了知宿命 見天界惡趣
達生之滅盡 滿通力聖者
應布施於此 施此有大果
如是而供果 其施果榮盛