Siong'ingr Vxo (1-9-11)
11. Vutjingr Susiongw
Hitt jun, u jit xee bikiu druar dirr Kosala Qog ram ram ee ciurnaa. Hitt sii, hitt xee bikiu dirr diongdaur ee sii snix kiw og qapp vutsen ee sniurhuad, dyrr si air, hun, qapp hai langg' ee sniurhuad.
Hitt sijun, druar dirr jitt xee ciurnaa ee tnisinn linbinw jitt xee bikiu, beh qingxcniw jitt xee bikiu, hro ix sniu iuxig :ee, dyrr laii qaur jitt xee bikiu hiax. Qauwui, dyrr iong jimgensix duiww jitt xee bikiu qongw:
“Liw u vutjingr ee suuii,
Dimjuir dirr vutsen ee sniurhuad.
Kiwsiar vutjingr ee suuii,
Tangx u jniar ee suuii.
Sunrjiongg Dairsux, Hxuad qapp jingdoo,
M tangx an’ qaiwlut trer dywdngw.
Liw tangx drat qaur hnuahiw,
Byy gignaiw did hixlok.
Jiongcuw je hnuahiw,
Jiongxjiongw koxnauw itjin.”
Hitt sii, jitt xui bikiu sriu diyc tnisinn ee qingxqair laii qingxcniw.
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-9-11)
11. Unwholesome Thoughts
On one occasion a certain bhikkhu was dwelling among the Kosalans in a certain woodland thicket. Now on that occasion, when that bhikkhu had gone for the day’s abiding, he kept on thinking evil unwholesome thoughts, that is, thoughts of sensuality, thoughts of ill will, thoughts of harming.
Then the devata that inhabited that woodland thicket, having compassion for that bhikkhu, desiring his good, desiring to stir up a sense of urgency in him, approached him and addressed him in verses:
“Because of attending improperly,
You, sir, are eaten by your thoughts.
Having relinquished the improper way,
You should reflect properly.
By basing your thoughts on the Teacher,
On Dhamma, Sangha, and your own virtues,
You will surely attain to gladness,
And rapture and happiness as well.
Then when you are suffused with gladness,
You’ll make an end to suffering.”
Then that bhikkhu, stirred up by that devata, acquired a sense of urgency.
(相應部 1-9-11)
汝依不正思 醉不善覺想
捨不正思惟 以為正思惟
對於師法僧 勿從戒退轉
汝斯達歡喜 無疑得喜樂
從此歡喜多 應盡諸苦惱
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
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