
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-9-13)

13. Qinmngg Byy Sriu Jewhan
Hitt jun, jerje bikiu druar dirr Kosala Qog ram ram ee ciurnaa. Inx vut'anx be dikdnia, simx luan, kingban, qau gengiw qycc jerje si byliauu ee ue, bongrsiongw, soxx jaix :ee vutjingr, simx vutjing, sanwluan, qinmngg byy sriu jewhan.

Hitt sijun, druar dirr hitt xee ciurnaa ee tnisinn linbinw hiaxee bikiu, beh qingxcniw hiaxee bikiu, hro inx sniu iuxig :ee, dyrr laii qaur hiaxee bikiu hiax. Qauwui, ix dyrr iong jimgensix duiww hiaxee bikiu qongw:
“Ingxzit Gotama hiaxee derjuw qapp bikiu,
Anlok diamr lehh,
Qiukid jiahsit simx byy soxx qriuu.
Simx byy soxx qriuu druar lehh,
Jaix sewsu busiongg,
Inx hiaxee koxnau itjin.
Zuqimx ee bikiu,
Qra og hiongr jurqiw,
Kyxviw cuanx nirr ee cuanxdniuw,
Sniu beh duat langg' daux :ee,
Jiac vaw dyw lecc kunr,
Duiww jingdoo byy habjiongw.
Jiax u lexqingr guaw :ee,
Mrqycc ho’ngg kiwsag.
Byy jruw ee jingwlangg,
Kyxviw sixtew.
Guaw duiww hongwdong ee jingwlangg,
Qongw jitt hy ue.
Duiww byy hongwdong :ee,
Guaw quiix inx.”

Hitt sii, hiaxee bikiu sriu diyc tnisinn ee qingxqair laii qingxcniw.

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-9-13)  
13. Loose in Sense Faculties 
On one occasion a number of bhikkhus were dwelling among the Kosalans in a certain woodland thicket. They were restless, puffed up, personally vain, rough-tongued, rambling in their talk, muddle-minded, without clear comprehension, unconcentrated, with wandering minds, loose in their sense faculties. 

Then the devata that inhabited that woodland thicket, having compassion for those bhikkhus, desiring their good, desiring to stir up a sense of urgency in them, approached them and addressed them with verses: 
“In the past the bhikkhus lived happily, 
The disciples of Gotama. 
Without wishes they sought their alms, 
Without wishes they used their lodgings. 
Having known the world’s impermanence, 
They made an end to suffering. 
But now like headmen in a village 
They make themselves hard to maintain. 
They eat and eat and then lie down, Infatuated in others’ homes. 
Having reverently saluted the Sangha, 
I here speak only about some: 
They are rejected, without protector, 
Become just like the dead. 
My statement is made with reference 
To those who dwell in negligence. 
As for those who dwell in diligence, 
To them I humbly pay homage.” 

Then those bhikkhus, stirred up by that devata, acquired a sense of urgency.

(相應部 1-9-13)
往昔瞿曇之   弟子比丘等
安樂而其住   心無求乞食
心無求而住   知世之無常
彼等苦惱盡   如今比丘等
以惡向自己   如村長於村
心為他富奪   餐食而寢臥
於僧不合掌   此有人禮我
然而被遺棄   無主之人眾
猶如諸死屍   我對放逸者
其眾人以語   於不住放逸

