
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-9-10)

10. Liamrqingx
Hitt jun, u jit xee bikiu druar dirr Kosala Qog ram ram ee ciurnaa. Hitt sijun, jitt xee bikiu ixongw jin’ qutlat decc liamrqingx, jitmaw suacc byy qutlat decc liam, dna' diam diam diamr lehh.

Hitt sijun, druar dirr hitt xee ciurnaa ee tnisinn byy qycc tniax diyc jitt xee bikiu ee hxuad, dyrr laii qaur bikiu hiax. Qauwui, ix iong jimgensix duiww jitt xee bikiu qongw:
Bikiu liw sniaw enqor,
Qimzit qapp jerje bikiu ongxlaii,
Byy qycc liam huatqur?
Langg' tniax diyc hxuad e hnuahiw,
Liam :ee dirr henrsii e did diyc ylyw.”

“Beh li iog did qongqyw,
Ixjingg qiawbang huatqur.
Dnaxx li iog did diyc qongqyw,
Itcer soxx knuar soxx tniax soxx sniu :ee,
U diwhui tangx qra kiwsag.
Senrzinn si anxnix qawsi.”

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-9-10)  
10. Reciting 
On one occasion a certain bhikkhu was dwelling among the Kosalans in a certain woodland thicket. Now on that occasion that bhikkhu had been excessively engrossed in recitation, but on a later occasion he passed the time living at ease and keeping silent.

Then the devata that inhabited that woodland thicket, no longer hearing that bhikkhu recite the Dhamma, approached him and addressed him in verse: 
“Bhikkhu, why don’t you recite Dhamma-stanzas, 
Living in communion with other bhikkhus? 
Hearing the Dhamma, one gains confidence; 
In this very life (the reciter) gains praise.” 

(The bhikkhu:) 
“In the past I was fond of Dhamma-stanzas 
So long as I had not achieved dispassion. 
But from the time I achieved dispassion
(I dwell in what) the good men call
‘The laying down by final knowledge’ 
Of anything seen, heard, or thought.”

(相應部 1-9-10)
比丘汝何故     今交諸比丘
不誦法句耶     人聞得歡喜
依離欲至果     前望於法句
今依離至果     見聞思何物
依智慧捨棄     善人是為教

