Siong'ingr Vxo (1-9-8)
8. Hurzinlangg
Hitt jun, jit xee bikiu druar dirr Kosala Qog jiokk ram ee ciurnaa-lai. Hitt sii, jitt xee bikiu dirr jit xee zinqecur druar jiokk quw.
Hitt sijun, druar dirr hitt xee ciurnaa ee tnisinn linbinw hitt xee bikiu, beh qingxcniw hitt xee bikiu, hro ix sniu iuxig :ee, dyrr laii qaur hitt qingx cur huawsinx jyr hurzinlangg qaur bikiu hiax. Qauwui, dyrr iong jimgensix duiww hitt xee bikiu qongw:
“Dirr hyy-vnix ee vychnua,
Iacc si cir-lai ee jit quaw soxjai,
Cincniu huerdngg,
Qetauu iacc cirdniuu hiax decc cirbuxcircu,
Qongw liw qapp guaw,
Si decc congr sniaw?"
“Sewsiong jerje hro langg' vutkuair ee gengiw,
Sriux koxhingg :ee diyhh zimxnai,
Byy in’ui anxnix dasimx,
Byy in’ui anxnix tongwkow.
Kyxviw hongx hro ciurnaa ee lok e qniax.
E qniax hiaxee snia'imx :ee,
Tangx qongw ix ee simx kinx,
Siuhing be u singjiu.”
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-9-8)
8. Family Mistress
On one occasion a certain bhikkhu was dwelling among the Kosalans in a certain woodland thicket. Now on that occasion that bhikkhu had become excessively intimate with a certain family.
Then the devata that inhabited that woodland thicket, having compassion for that bhikkhu, desiring his good, desiring to stir up a sense of urgency in him, manifest ed herself in the form of the mistress of that family. Having approached that bhikkhu, she addressed him in verse:
“By the riverbanks and in the rest house,
In the meeting halls and along the roads,
People gather and gossip about this:
What’s going on between you and me?”
(The bhikkhu:)
“There are many disagreeable sounds
That an ascetic must patiently endure.
One should not be dismayed on that account,
For it is not by this one becomes defiled.
If one is frightened by random sounds
Like an antelope dwelling in the woods,
They call him ‘one with a fickle mind’:
For him the practice does not succeed.”
(相應部 1-9-8)
河之岸或者 市門之閑場
集會堂等地 街頭或市集
私議汝與妾 原來為何故
世多不快語 苦行者堪忍
不因此焦心 不因此痛苦
如風怖林鹿 其聲亦驚人
若謂輕其心 修行不成就
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
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