Siong'ingr Vxo (1-10-5)
5. Sanu
Hitt sii, Sewjunx dirr Savatthi Sniaa Jeta Ciurnaa ee Anathapindika Hngg kiarkiw. Hitt sijun, jit xee upasika(sinwluw) ee qniaw Sanu virr iarcex behik. Hitt sii, upasika toxkuir, cniur jitt siuw jimgensix qongxx:
“Guaw sisiongg u tniax .diyc,
Arahant decc suansuad.
Mrqycc guaw qimzit,
Qnir diyc iarcex decc quaixlong Sanu.
Jex si uirr sniaw dai?
Dirr jap-sir jap-go,
Qapp vnuar guec ee derr veh zit,
Cisiuw vatjaiqair,
U decc Juer posatha,
U decc qniaa dua senrhingg :ee,
Iarcex berdangr qra behik.
Guaw tniax arahant anxnix qongw.
Mrqycc guaw qimzit knuar .diyc,
Iarcex decc behik Sanu.
Jex si uirr anwjnuaw?”
Dirr jap-sir jap-go,
Qapp vnuar guec ee derr veh zit,
Cisiuw vatjaiqair,
U decc Juer posatha,
U decc qniaa dua senrhingg :ee,
Iarcex berdangr qra behik.
Guaw tniax arahant anxnix qongw.
Sanu narr u qakcniw,
Iong jiaxee ue qra qongw,
Jex si iarcex ee ue:
Bylun qongkax iacc suha,
M tangx juer zimrhyy og.
Narr juer og giap :ee,
Qycc narr uirdiyhh iogbong laii juer,
Dyrr junw cincniu jiauw vuex jauw,
Iarr lann dyy liw ee koxnauw.”
“Langg uirr sixlangg decc kaur,
Iarr uirr vedlii decc kaur.
Guaw langg dirr jiax iauxx uac lehh,
A'buw sniaw enqor uirr guaw decc kaur?”
“Langg longxx uirr qniaw siw decc kaur,
Iarr uirr vedlii decc kaur.
Mrqycc itdanr liriog,
Suacc qycc dngw .laii,
Iarr e uirr qniaw kaur,
In'ui ix uac lehh cincniu siw .kir.
Qniaw liw an' iamrzet ee huexhux cud .laii,
Guan be qycc duirlyc huexhux.
Guaw tniawair ee qniaw lirkuix dergak,
Hibang be qycc zip dergak.
Dylii jiacc si hingrhog,
Tangx qra si'angw qongw jiaxee ue?
In'ui dua huew lanw qra cur-lai ee mihqnia vnuax .cud .laii,
Liw beh qycjaiww qra siyx driau?”
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-10-5)
5. Sanu
On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Savatthi in Jeta’s Grove, Anathapindika’s Park. Now on that occasion a certain female lay follower had a son named Sanu who had been possessed by a yakkha. Then that female lay follower, lamenting, on that occasion recited these verses:
“The yakkhas do not sport around
With those who lead the holy life,
Who undertake the Uposatha duty
Well equipped with its eight factors
On the fourteenth and fifteenth days,
And the eighths of the fortnight,
And other special days as well:
So I have heard from the arahants.
But now I see that yakkhas
Are sporting around with Sanu.”
(The yakkha that has entered Sanu:)
“What you heard from the arahants is good:
The yakkhas do not sport around
With those who lead the holy life,
Who undertake the Uposatha duty
Well equipped with its eight factors
On the fourteenth and fifteenth days,
And the eighths of the fortnight,
And other special days as well.
When Sanu has awakened tell him
This injunction of the yakkhas:
Never do any evil deed
Either openly or in secret.
If you should do an evil deed,
Or if you are doing one now,
You won’t be free from suffering
Though you may fly up and flee.”
“They weep, mother, for the dead
Or for one living who isn’t seen.
When you see, mother, that I’m alive,
Why, O mother, do you weep for me?”
(Sanu’s mother:)
“They weep, O son, for the dead
Or for one living who isn’t seen;
But when one returns to the home life
After renouncing sensual pleasures,
They weep for this one too, my son,
For though alive he’s really dead.
Drawn out, my dear, from hot embers,
You wish to plunge into hot embers;
Drawn out, my dear, from an inferno,
You wish to plunge into an inferno.
Run forward, good luck be with you!
To whom could we voice our grief?
Being an item rescued from the fire,
You wish to be burnt again.”
(相應部 1-10-5)
我常聞如是 阿羅漢宣說
然則今日我 見夜叉魅弄
左奴為何事 十四十五日
半月第八日 得神變分日
奉持八齋戒 以住於布薩
以行於梵行 夜叉不能魅
我聞羅漢說 然我今日見
夜叉魅左奴 此乃為何事
十四十五日 半月第八日
得神變分日 奉持八齋戒
以住於布薩 以住梵行者
夜叉不能魅 我聞羅漢說
左奴若醒覺 以此可語汝
此乃夜叉語 不分公與私
勿行任何惡 若作惡業者
又若為欲為 如鳥躍上逃
人皆哭死人 生別時亦哭
我活活於此 母何故泣我
人皆泣子死 生別時亦哭
然一度離欲 而且又歸來
亦以哭其子 其生亦似死
子汝出燼炎 願不再墮燼
愛子出地獄 希不再入獄
逃離為幸福 誰此語我等
盛火出家貨 汝欲再燒耶
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
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