Siong'ingr Vxo (1-11-8)
8. Verocana, Asura ee Ongg
Savathhi sniaa ee inenn.
Hitt sii, Sewjunx ziddiongx zip sxig-lai jingrquanx. Hitt sijun, tender Sakka qapp Verocana, asura ee ongg, kir Sewjunx hiax vaiwhongw. Vaiwhue quer, qokk langg dirr mngg ee nng vingg kia lehh.
Hitt sii, Verocana, asura ee ongg, dirr Sewjunx binrjingg qongw jitt siuw jimgensix:
“Qaur lirig dadsingg jiacc tingjiw,
Langg vutsii diyhh benxle.
Lirig dadsingg u qonghuix,
Jex si Verocana ee ue.”
“Qaur lirig dadsingg jiacc tingjiw,
Langg vutsii diyhh benxle.
Lirig dadsingg u qonghuix,
Byy ngiaa quer zimxsiu kutziok :ee.”
“Jiongwsingx jiauww ix ee lirig,
Qokk langg jiauww vit’iaur :ee jyr.
Kyxviw vng u qokk jiongw bixbi,
Langlangg longxx kuaiwlok.
Lirig dadsingg u qonghuix,
Jex si Verocana ee ue.”
“Jiongwsingx jiauww ix ee lirig,
Qokk langg jiauww vit’iaur :ee jyr.
Kyxviw vng u qokk jiongw bixbi,
Langlangg longxx kuaiwlok.
Lirig dadsingg u qonghuix,
Byy ngiaa quer zimxsiu kutziok :ee.”
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-11-8)
8. Verocana, Lord of the Asuras
At Savatthi in Jeta’s Grove.
Now on that occasion the Blessed One had gone for his day’s abiding and was in seclusion. Then Sakka, lord of the devas, and Verocana, lord of t he asuras, approached the Blessed One and stood one at each door post.
Then Verocana, l ord of the asuras, recited this verse in the presence of the Blessed One:
“A man should make a determined effort
Until his goal has been achieved.
A goal shines when achieved:
This is the word of Verocana.”
“A man should make a determined effort
Until his goal has been achieved.
A goal that shines when achieved
Better than patience does not exist.”
“All beings are bent on a goal
Here or there as fits the case,
But for all creatures association
Is supreme among their enjoyments.
A goal shines when it is achieved:
This is the word of Verocana.”
“All beings are bent upon a goal
Here or there as fits the case,
But for all creatures association
Is supreme among their enjoyments.
A goal that shines when achieved
Better than patience does not exist.”
(相應部 1-11-8)
至達其利止 人不無勉勵
輝耀達其利 毘留奢那語
至達其利止 人不無勉勵
輝耀達其利 無勝忍辱者
眾生應其分 各依必要來
如美味合飯 悉足樂人人
輝耀達其利 毘留奢那語
眾生應其分 各依必生來
如美味合飯 悉足樂人人
輝耀達其利 無勝忍辱者
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
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