
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-11-18)

18. Tender Sakka ee Lexqingr (I)
Hitt sii, Sewjunx dirr Savatthi Sniaa Jeta Ciurnaa ee Anathapindika Hngg kiarkiw. Dirr jiax, Sewjunx suansuad qongxx, “Jiongww bikiu! Ingxzit tender Sakka hoqiyr sraiw bexciax ee Matali qongxx, ‘Matali! Junxiv jit-cingx jiah liongmaw kanx ee bexciax . Guaw beh jenongw uanlimm himsiongw bixqingw.’

“Jiongww bikiu! Sraiw bexciax ee Matali rinr qongxx, ‘Hyw, junjiaw!’ Ix dyrr kanx u vak jit-cingx jiah liongmaw ee bexciax laii qra tender Sakka qongw, ‘Junjiaw! Jit-cingx jiah liongmaw soxx kanx ee ciax ixqingx cuann jiauvi ar. Jitmaw dyrr tangx laii kir.’

“Jiongww bikiu! Hitt sii tender Sakka qniaa lyc Singwli Dxen, habjiongw vair siwhngx. Jiongww bikiu! Hitt sii sraiw bexcaix ee Matali iong jimgensix duiww tender Sakka qongw:
‘Snax hxang bingtongx ee langjingr,
Dersiong ee Khattiya,
Qapp sir dua tenongg, 
Ixqip hyw miasniax ee Tavatimsa,
Jiongww tnisinn longxx lexqingr liw.
Duxjiah tender liw,
Si decc hiongr si’angw qnialew?’

[tender Sakka:]
‘Snax hxang bingtongx ee langjingr,
Dersiong ee Khattiya,
Qapp sir dua tenongg, 
Ixqip hyw miasniax ee Tavatimsa,
Jiongww tnisinn longxx lexqingr guaw.
Guaw dnaxx beh lexqingr,
U siuw qaiwlut simx jing,
Jinjniar cutqex :ee.
Qutlat siuhing u dua senrhing ee langg,
Dirr cur nirr siulen qongdig,
U siuw qaiwlut ee upasika,
Jiauww hxuad cri bow :ee,
Matali, narr anxnix,
Guaw iarr beh lexqingr.’

‘Tender Sakka liw lexqingr langg,
Sidjai si sewsiong jueww derr id hyw.
Vasava, liw lexqingr :ee,
Guaw iarr ingqaix qra lexqingr.'

Suja ee angx qongw jiaxee ue,
Tenongg Maghava,
Lexqingr siwhngx liauxau,
Dairsingx vreh jnriu ciax.”

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-11-18)  
18. The Worship of Householders (or Sakka’s Worship (1)) 
At Savatthi. There the Blessed One said this: “Bhikkhus, once in the past Sakka, lord of the devas, addressed his charioteer Matali thus: ‘Harness the chariot with its team of a thousand thoroughbreds, friend Matali. Let us go to the park grounds to see the beautiful scenery.’ – ‘Yes, your lordship,’ Matali the charioteer replied. 

Then he harnessed the char iot with its team of a thousand thoroughbreds and announced to Sakka, lord of the devas: ‘The chariot has been harnessed, dear sir. You may come whenever you are ready.’

“Then, bhikkhus, Sakka, lord of the devas, descending from the Vejayanta Palace, raised his hands in reverential salutation and worshipped the different quarters. Then Matali the charioteer addressed Sakka in verse: 
These all humbly worship you— 
Those versed in the Triple Veda, 
All the khattiyas reigning on earth, 
The Four Great Kings and the glorious Thirty— 
So who, O Sakka, is that spirit 
To whom you bow in worship?’

These all humbly worship me— 
Those versed in the Triple Veda, 
All the khattiyas reigning on earth, 
The Four Great Kings and the glorious Thirty— 
But I worship those endowed with virtue, 
Those long trained in concentration, 
Those who have properly gone forth 
With the holy life their destination.
I worship as well, O Matali, 
Those householders making merit, 
The lay followers possessed of virtue 
Who righteously maintain a wife.’ 

‘Those whom you worship, my lord Sakka,
Are indeed the best in the world. 
I too will worship them— 
Those whom you worship, Vasava.’ 

(The Blessed One:) 
“Having given this explanation, 
Having worshipped the different quarters, 
The deva-king Maghava, Suja’s husband, 
The chief, climbed into his chariot.”

(相應部 1-11-18)
三明之人眾   地上剎帝利
及四大天王   有譽忉利等
諸天悉禮汝   時帝汝之禮
三明之人眾   地上剎帝利
及四大天王   有譽忉利等
諸天悉禮我   我今以禮敬
具戒心長靜   正真出家者
勤修梵行人   於家修功德
具戒優婆塞   如法養妻者
摩多利如是   我乃作禮敬
帝釋汝禮人   實世最勝者
婆娑婆汝禮   我亦應禮敬
是語須闍夫   天王摩怯婆
以禮敬四方   最先乘其車

