Hitt sii Sewjunx qra Purna qapp huathue lairdew soxu qaur qaxx huanlyw druu jin, benw qycc yc :ee soxu Arhat qongw, "Zulaii qimzit uirr jitt xee huathue suanqangw busiong qauwgi lairdew jinsit busiong qauwgi ee guansingr, hro huathue lairdew linw jiaxee simsingr dniardiyc did sniabunn qongqyw :ee ixqip soxu itcer iauxx bue did nng jiongw hukongx qongqyw :ee beh hiongwsiong qruix dairsing ee Arhat dringw longxx tangx did diyc uiid jigbet dniude, dyrr si jinjniar ee aranya, dirr jingwkag ee soxjai siuhing. Linw jitmaw jimjiog tniax. Guaw qaidongx uirr linw suatbingg."
Purna dringw inx jiaxee kimqingr Vuddyy ee huat'imx, longxx diam diam tniax.
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 4 --2)
The World Honored One then told Purna and all the Arhats in the assembly who had ended their outflows and had reached the level beyond study, "Today the Thus Come One will explain in depth the truest most supreme meaning. May those of you in the assembly who are Hearers or Arhats of a fixed nature who have not yet realized the two kinds of emptiness and all who are dedicated to the Superior Vehicle reach the tranquility of the One Vehicle, the true aranya, the proper place of cultivation. Listen attentively and I will explain it for you."
Purna and the others listened quietly, respecting the Buddha’s expression of Dharma.