"Purna, sniu qapp air qiongrdongg qethap. U air dyrr byy huatdo hunlii. Jurr anxnex soxu sewqanx verbuw qniaxsunx siysuar cutsir be qnaiwdng. Jiaxee dringw si ixx iogliam ee tambee jyr qinvunw. Tamliam qapp air qiongrdongg ju'iongw. Tamliam byy huatdo tingjiw. Dyrr soxu sewqanx pacnng, huar-snix, damm-snix qapp taisingx duer lat ee qiongg iacc ziok horsiong tunjiac. Jiaxee dringw si ixx satsingx qapp tamliam jyr qinvunw. Langg jiac ngiuu. Ngiuu siw .kir juanw jyr langg. Langg siw .kir juanw jyr ngiuu. Cincniu jitt kuanw simrjiww qaur jap jiongw singbut, siw .kir qycc siw, cutsir liauw qycc cutsir, horsiong laii siy' tunjiac. Og giap diddit snix .cud .laii, itdit qaur birlaii buqiongjin. Jiaxee dringw si ixx tautec ee tambee jyr qinvunw. Liw kiamr guaw jit diauu mia. Guaw hingw liw jewbu. Ixx jex jyr inenn, qinglik cingvah qiab (kalpa), ciangjai dirr snex qapp siw decc dngw. Liw air guaw ee simqnuax. Guaw siyh liw ee jusig. Ixx jex jyr inenn, qinglik cingvah qiab (kalpa), ciangjai decc qaudnii sokvak. Satsingx, tautec, imiok jitt snax xee jyr qinvunx, ixx jex jyr inenn, giabjer qapp qongqyw siy' suar byy dng."
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 4 --6)
"Purna, thought and love become bound together so that people love each other and cannot bear to be apart. As a result, ceaseless successive births of parents, children, and grandchildren occur in this world. And the basis for all that is desire and greed. Greed and emotional love feed on one another until the greed becomes insatiable. The result of that in this world is the tendency of egg-born, womb-born, moisture-born, and transformation-born beings to devour one another to the extent that their strength permits. The basis for all that is killing and greed. Suppose a person eats a sheep. The sheep dies and becomes a person; the person dies and becomes a sheep, the same applies in all rebirths among the ten categories. Through death after death and birth after birth, they eat each other. The evil karma one is born with continues to the bounds of the future. The basis for all that is stealing and greed. 'You owe me a life; I must repay my debt to you.’ Due to such causes and conditions we pass through hundreds of thousands of eons in sustained cycle of birth and death. ‘You love my mind; I adore your good looks.’ Due to such causes and conditions we pass through hundreds of thousands of eons in sustained mutual entanglement. Killing, stealing, and lust are the basic roots. From such causes and conditions comes the continuity of karma and retribution."
富樓那。想愛同結。愛不能離。則諸世間父母子孫。相生不斷。是等則以欲貪為本。貪愛同滋。 貪不能此。則諸世間卵化濕胎。隨力強弱。遞相吞食。是等則以殺貪為本。以人食羊。羊死為人。人死為羊。如是乃至十生之類。死死生生。互來相噉。惡業俱生。窮未來際。是等則以盜貪為本。汝負我命。我還汝債。以是因緣。經百千劫。常在生死。汝愛我心。我憐汝色。以是因緣。經百千劫。常在纏縛。唯殺盜媱三為根本。以是因緣。業果相續。