"Ananda, cincniu jiaxee lak qinkir in'ui u bingqngx ee qakdix, u bingqngx jiacc u bingcingx ee qakcad. Srid kir hitt xee jingbiau vunxsingr laii knii diauu dirr bongrsiongw e inxhuad cud qngx. Soxiw qongxx liw dnaxx lirkuix amr qapp lirkuix bingg dyrr byy qnir ee sidtew. Lirkuix drang qapp jing dyrr byy tniax ee vunxjid. Byy tongx qapp byy trad, pnri ee qaksingr be snix .cud .laii. Byy venwik qapp byy jniaw bi dyrr byy damx jitt hxang. Byy lii qapp byy hap, bongkab ee qakdix jurr guanvunw dy' byy. Byy bet qapp byy snix, liauxted ee diqnir anzenn qiawkax. Liw qandna' mair duer drang qapp jing, hap qapp lii, jniaw bi qapp venwik, tongx qapp trad, snix qapp bet, bingg qapp amr. Cincniu jiaxee jap-zi iuxuii siongwtew, suijai qra jit xee vuic .kiw .laii, hro inx tuatli knii diauu dirr lairdew decc baihok :ee qruix dngw guanvunw ee jinsit, kexhuad vunxguann bingqngx ee qonghuix. Qonghuix vunxsingr inxhuad henxbingg, cunx :ee e knii :ee hitt go xee ingqaix e jywhuew vuic driau did diyc uanbuanw tuatli, be in'ui jinwjingg siogdinn laii snix kiw soxx qnir soxx jaix. Bingqngx ee qakdix byy qinduer qinkir, mrqycc qiawtog qinkir inxhuad bingqngx. Jurr anxnex, lak qinkir horsiong u jok'iong."
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 4 --31)
"Ánanda, because understanding is added to enlightenment, the six sense-organs lose their essence and adhere to falseness, confining their brilliance. Therefore, apart from darkness and light there is no substance to seeing for you now; apart from movement and stillness, there basically is no disposition of hearing; without penetration and obstruction, the nature of smelling does not arise; in the absence of variety and blandness, tasting does not occur; lacking separation and union, the sensation of contact is fundamentally non-existent; without arising and ceasing, knowing is put to rest. You only need not follow the twelve conditioned attributes of movement and stillness, union and separation, blandness and variety, penetration and obstruction, production and extinction, and brightness and darkness. Accordingly, extract one organ, free it from adhesion, and subdue it at its inner core. Once subdued, it will return to primal truth and radiate its innate brilliance. When that brilliance shines forth, the remaining five adhesions will be freed to accomplish total liberation. Do not follow the knowing and seeing influenced by objects before you. True understanding does not follow from the sense organs. Yet lodged at the organs is the potential to discover mutual functioning of the six organs."