
Shurangama Qingx (sir-32)

"Ananda, liw qamxx m jaix jitmaw dirr jitt xee huathue lairdew, Aniruddha byy bagjiux suacc e knuar; UpÁnanda Lringg byy hni suacc e tniax; Ganges Hyy ee luxsinn m si iong pni laii pnri pangbi; Gavampati cuiwjic qyc'ngiu suacc jaix kiwbi; Sunyata Sinn byy sintew suacc tangx qakcad bongkab. Dirr Zulaii ee qngsnuar lairdew huanxsia .cud .laii jiamrsii henxhen. Qacc si hongx ee vunxjid, guandew byy siongwtew. Soxu bet-jin-dnia did jigjing sniabunn qongqyw :ee, kyxviw huathue lairdew ee Mahakashyapa, quxdngg ixlaii ixx bet iwliam ee qinkir, uanbuanw bingqngx, liauxted qakdix, byy knikib simliam."

(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 4 --32)
"Ánanda, don’t you know that now in this assembly Aniruddha is blind and yet can see; the dragon UpÁnanda is deaf and yet can hear; the spirit of the Ganges River has no nose and yet smells fragrances; Gavampati has an unusual tongue and yet tastes flavor; and the spirit Sunyata has no body and yet is aware of contact? In the light of the Thus Come One, this spirit is illumined temporarily as an ethereal essence without substance. In the same way, Mahakashyapa, who is also in this assembly, dwells in the samádhi of extinction, having obtained the tranquility of a Hearer. He has long since put to rest the mind-organ, and yet he has a perfectly clear knowledge which is not due to the mental process of thinking."


