
Shurangama Qingx (sir-34)

"Ananda, dyrr kywviw hiaxee sewqanlangg dirr bagjiux jurjip qnir. Narr qiyr ix qinw qinw qra bagjiux vangr kreh, oamr ee jongrhongw dyrr henxhen dirr binrtaujingg. Lak xee qinkir oamr, tauu qapp kax iarr siysiangg. Hitt xee langg iong ciuw srunn sintew guarbin sec jit linr. Ix suizenn knuar be diyc, tauu qapp kax it'id tangx hunven, zinrdix qapp qakdix qangrkuanw. Knikib qongbingg tangx knuar .qnir. Dirr oamr dyrr knuar be diyc. Byy qongbingg qaqi huad qongbingg, anxnex soxu oamr ee jongrhongw ingxuanw be oamr. Qindinn qacc siaubet, bingqngx ee qakdix anwjnuaw berdangr vniwjniaa uanbuanw bibiau?"

(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 4 --34) 
"Ánanda, consider a person who has confined seeing to his eyes. If you suddenly have him close his eyes, he will see darkness before him. The six organs will be enveloped in total darkness. From head to toe he will experience that. If the person traces the shape of external things with his hands, then even though he cannot see, he can recognize someone from head and toe. Enlightenment is also like that. If light were the condition requisite for seeing, then darkness would bring the absence of seeing. But to perceive without light would mean that no dark manifestation could obscure the seeing. Once the organs and objects suddenly melt away, how could the enlightened brightness that results be anything but perfect and wonderful?" 


