In'ui bingg qapp amr nng jiongw siongwtew dirr bibiau uanbuanw lairdew knii diauu dingcingx inxhuad qnir. Qnir jingbii huanxsia cud siktew, siktew qethap vniwjniaa qinkir. Qinkir vunxguann si cingjing sir dua guansor, miaa qiyr juer ganw, guarhingg naxx cincniu pudyy. Pudimm ee qinkir qapp sir sikdinn kuaiwsog dinxdang jauw hiongr siktew. In'ui drang qapp jing nng xee siy' longr, dirr bibiau uanbuanw lairdew knii diauu dingcingx inxhuad tniax. Tniax jingbii huanxsia cud sniatew. Sniax qngw .kiw .laii vniwjniaa qinkir. Qinkir vunxguann si cingjing sir dua guansor, miaa qiyr juer hni, guarhingg naxx cincniu qngw qngw sinx huad ee hiyc. Pudimm ee qinkir qapp sir sikdinn kuaiwsog dinxdang jauw hiongr sniatew. In'ui tongx qapp trad nng jiongw siy' qig, dirr bibiau uanbuanw lairdew knii diauu dingcingx inxhuad pnri. Pnri jingbii huanxsia cud pangkuir. Pangkuir ionglap vniwjniaa qinkir. Qinkir vunxguann si cingjing sir dua guansor, miaa qiyr juer pni, guarhingg naxx cincniu suee suee ee siangx ziauw. Pudimm ee qinkir qapp sir sikdinn kuaiwsog dinxdang jauw hiongr pangkuir. In'ui jniaw bi qapp venwik nng jiongw siy' camcab, dirr bibiau uanbuanw lairdew knii diauu dingcingx inxhuad damx. Damx jingbii huanxsia cud kiwbi. Bi qiauxqaw vniwjniaa qinkir. Qinkir vunxguann si cingjing sir dua guansor, miaa qiyr juer jic, guarhingg naxx cincniu guehvingg. Pudimm ee qinkir qapp sir sikdinn kuaiwsog dinxdang jauw hiongr kiwbi. In'ui lii qapp hap nng jiongw siy' lut, dirr bibiau uanbuanw lairdew knii diauu dingcingx inxhuad qakdix. Qakdix jingbii huanxsia cud bongkab. Bongkab jurjip vniwjniaa qinkir. Qinkir vunxguann si cingjing sir dua guansor, miaa qiyr juer sintew, guarhingg naxx cincniu dyh-aw. Pudimm ee qinkir qapp sir sikdinn kuaiwsog dinxdang jauw hiongr bongkab. In'ui snix qapp bet nng jiongw siy' suar, dirr bibiau uanbuanw lairdew kniii diauu dingcingx inxhuad iwsig. Iwsig jingbii huanxsia cud hxuad. Hxuad lamw uaw .laii vniwjniaa qinkir. Qinkir vunxguann si cingjing sir dua guansor, miaa qiyr juer iwliam, naxx cincniu dirr amr sxig soxx qnir. Pudimm ee qinkir qapp sir sikdinn kuaiwsog dinxdang jauw hiongr hxuad."
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 4 --30)
"Seeing occurs because the two attributes of darkness and light and their like firmly adhere to quietude in what originally was wonderful perfection. The essence of seeing reflects form and combines with forms to become an organ. This organ, which was originally the four pure elements, is called an eye and is shaped like a grape. Of the four defiling objects that the sense organs located in the head pursue, this one races out after form. Hearing occurs because the two reverberations of movement and stillness and their like firmly adhere to quietude in what originally was wonderful perfection. The essence of hearing reflects sound and resounds with it to become the organ of the ear. The primal composition of the ear-organ is the purely defined four elements. Those portions we call the ears are shaped like fresh-curled leaves. Of the four defiling objects that the sense organs pursue, this one is loosed upon sound. Smelling occurs because the two appearances of penetration and obstruction and their like firmly adhere to tranquility in what originally was wonderful perfection. The essence of smelling reflects the scents and takes in scents to become the organ of the nose. The primal composition of the nose-organ is the purely defined four elements. That portion we call the nose is shaped like a double hanging claw. Of the four defiling objects that the sense organs pursue this one probes out after scents. Tasting occurs because the two blends of blandness and variety of flavor? And their like firmly adhere to quietude in what originally was wonderful perfection. The essence of tasting reflects flavors and becomes entwined with flavors to become the organ of the tongue. The primal composition of the tongue-organ is in the purely defined four elements. That portion we call the tongue is shaped like a crescent moon. Of the four defiling objects that the sense organs pursue this one craves flavors. Sensation occurs because the two frictions of separation and union, and their like, firmly adhere to quietude in what originally was wonderful perfection. The essence of sensation reflects contact and seizes upon contact to become the organ of the body. The primal composition of the body-organ is in the purely defined four elements. The portion we call the body is shaped like a table. Of the four defiling objects that the sense organs pursue, this one is compelled by contact. Knowing occurs because the two continuities of production and extinction, and their like, firmly adhere to quietude in what originally was wonderful perfection. The essence of knowing reflects dharmas and grasps them to become the organ of the mind. The primal composition of the mind-organ is in the purely defined four elements. Of the four defiling objects that the sense organs pursue, this one chases after dharmas."