"Sewjunx, guaw qycc ixx jitt jiongw tniabunn siulenn, ixx Qimqongx Vajra Samadhi byy jok'uii bibiau ee lat, qapp sibhongx snax sxer liogdy ee itcer jiongwsingx u qangrkuanw ee visimx qapp giongxbong, hro juui jiongwsingx an' guaw ee srinx qapp simx did diyc jap-sir jiongw byy qnia'uir ee qongdig. Derr id jiongw, guaw byy quancad snia'imx, suacc quancad decc knuar :ee, hro hiaxee sibhongx koxnauw jiongwsingx tangx kuancad imsniax dyrr did diyc qaixtuad. Derr zi jiongw, qakdix qapp qenwsig tangx sec dywdngw, hro juui jiongwsingx setsuw ham zip dua huew, huew iarr siyx be diyc inx. Derr snax jiongw, quancad qapp tniax tangx sec dywdngw, hro juui jiongwsingx narr hro duarjuiw lrauu .kir, inx iarr be rimx .siw. Derr sir jiongw, bongrsiongw bedjuat, simx byy sniu sathai, hro juui jiongwsingx junw narr zip quixaxqog, qxuiw iarr be tangx laii siy' hai. Derr go jiongw, siulen tniabunn jniaa sniax, lak qinkir siuabet huedngw, qapp tniax .diyc ee sniax siysiang. Erdangr hro jiongwsingx beh virr hai ee limdongsii, dyx dng juer jit quec jit quec; hro vingkir naxx decc quah juiw; iarr naxx decc cuex qngsnuar, vunxsingr byy iydang. Derr lak jiongw, siulen tniabunn, jing'ingx bingqngx, huatqair venww de u qongbingg, diwsuw soxu vunxsingr oamr :ee berdangr junjai. Tangx hro jiongwsingx dirr yaksha, rakshasa, kumbhanda, pishacha, qapp putana uaw qin inx ee sii marr be hro inx knuar .diyc. Derr cid jiongw, imx ee singr juann siaubet, dngw laii quancad qapp tniax, qapp soxu ee din'aix bongrsiongw li hng hng, tangx hro jiongwsingx benw sriu diyc kaqee iacc syxlen laii sokvak. Derr veh jiongw, imx bet, tniabunn uanbuanw, siwqer snix cud juvix ee lat, tangx hro jiongwsingx qingquer hiamxlo ee sii iarr be sriu cadhuiw cniuxqiab. Derr qauw jiongw, siulen tniabunn laii qapp din'aix li hng hng, sikdinn be laii cniuxqiab, tangx hro je jiongw iogbong ee jiongwsingx qapp tam'iog li hng hng. Derr jap jiongw, sunzenn ee imx byy din'aix, qinkir ee qingwqair uanbuanw tongdat, byy sniaxmih soxx duiwingr :ee, tangx hro itcer hunwno, siuhun ee jiongwsingx qapp uanwhun li hng hng. Derr jap-id jiongw, din'aix siaubet huedngw bingqngx, huatqair ee srinx qapp simx bersux liulii, tetdew qongbingg byy jiongwgai, tangx hro itcer vunxsingr hunrdun u jiongwgai ee atyantika ingxuanw lirkuix cigaii qapp guduu. Derr jap-zi jiongw, siau'ngiuu ee hingtew qycc dngw laii tniabunn, byy dinxdang ee dyrdniuu jinwzip sewqanx, byy huixhuai ee sewqair erdangr dirr sibhongx venww muaw, qiongqib naxx biser din'aix hiacc je ee juui Vut Zulaii, dirr muixx jit xee Vut vnix:a jyr dharma ee ongjuw, tangx hro huatqair byy qniaxzii ee jiongwsingx beh qriuu javongix :ee snix cud u hog u dig, u diwhui ee lamjuw. Derr jap-snax jiongw, lak qinkir uanbuanw tongdat, qongbingg jiywqngx byy derr zi xee, vauhamm sibhongqair. Qenwlip dua ngii qniar ee kangx Zulaii Jongr, singjiab sunrsiu naxx sibhongx biser din'aix hiacc je ee Zulaii ee viwbit huatmngg, niaxsiu byy sitkiog, tangx hro huatqair byy qniaxzii ee jiongwsingx beh qriuu jaboxngix :ee snix cud duanjniar u hog u dig, qycc unziuu sunrjiongg, jiongwlangg tniawtangr qingwair ee luxjuw. Derr jap-sir jiongw, jitt xee snax-cingx daircenx sewqair u vah-ig xee zit qapp guec, henrjai druar dirr sewqanx soxu dharma ongjuw ee sowliong u cincniu lak-jap-zi diauu Ganges Hyy lairdew ee suax hiacc je. Siulen jingwhuad jyr denxhuan. Qauwhuar jiongwsingx. Hongven diwhui, duer qokvet jiongwsingx laii suxiong, muixx jit xee longxx byy qang. An' guaw soxx did .diyc ee uanbuanw tongdat guanvunw ee qinkir, huathen bibiau hni-mngg. Zen'au bibiau ee srinx qapp simx vauhamm lehh, huatqair jit siwqer longxx u. Tangx hro cisiuw guaw miahy ee jiongwsingx qapp hiaxee cisiuw lak-jap-zi diauu Ganges Hyy lairdew ee suax ee sowliong hiacc je ee dharma ongjuw, inx jitt nng xee ee hokdig qangrkuanw, longxx byy jingcax. Sewjunx, guaw jitt xee miahy qapp hiaxee jerje miahy vingrr byy jingcax. An' guaw siulen did diyc jinsit uanbuanw tongdat, miaa qiyr juer jap-sir jiongw byy qnia'uir ee lat, hokkir jiujir tangx sisiar hro jiongwsingx."
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 6 --3)
"World Honored One, also due to the effortless wonderful strength of this Vajra Samádhi of Becoming Permeated with Hearing and Cultivating Hearing, I have a kind empathy for all beings in the six paths throughout the ten directions and the three periods of time. Based on my physical and mental accomplishments, I can cause beings who encounter bodies of mine to receive the meritorious virtues of fourteen kinds of fearlessness. First: because I do not contemplate sounds themselves, but rather the contemplator, I can enable beings throughout the ten directions who are suffering and in distress to attain liberation by contemplating their sounds of reciting my name. Second: since I am able to turn my knowledge and views inward, I can keep beings who are caught in a raging fire from being burned. Third: since I am able to turn my contemplation and listening inward, I can keep beings who are floundering in deep water from being drowned. Fourth, since my false thinking is cut off and my mind is without thoughts of killing or harming, I can keep beings who enter the territory of ghosts from being harmed. Fifth: since I am permeated with hearing and have realized what hearing is, so that the six sense organs have dissolved and returned to become identical with hearing, I can keep beings from being wounded, by causing the knives to break into pieces. I can cause swords to have no more effect than if they were to slice into water, or if one were to blow upon light. Sixth: since my hearing has become permeating and my essential energy bright, light pervades the Dharma Realm so that absolutely no darkness remains. Then I can keep beings safe from yakshas, rakshasas, kumbhandas, pishachas, and putanas by causing the ghosts to be unable to see them even if they come close to them. Seventh: since the nature of sound has completely melted away and through contemplation my hearing has returned to itself, leaving involvement with false and defiling sense-objects, I can free beings from the locks of cangues and fetters. Eighth: when sound is gone and the hearing is perfected, an all-pervasive power of compassion arises, and I keep beings who are traveling a dangerous road from being robbed by robbers. Ninth: when hearing permeates, a separation from defiling objects occurs so that forms no longer act as thieves. Then I can enable with lust to leave greed and desire far behind. Tenth: when sound is so pure that there is no defiling object, the sense-organ and the external state are perfectly fused, and nothing is matched to anything else. Then I can enable beings who are full of rage and hate to stop being hateful. Eleventh: when the defiling objects have gone, a light spirals, and the Dharma Realm and the body and mind are like crystal, transparent and unobstructed. Then I can enable all dark and dull-witted beings whose natures are obstructed--all atyantikas--to forever be free from stupidity and darkness. Twelfth: when form dissipates and returns to the hearing, then unmoving within the unmoving Bodhimanda I can travel among beings without disturbing anything in their worlds. I can go through the ten directions making offerings to as many Buddhas, Thus Come Ones, as there are fine motes of dust. Beside each Buddha I become a Dharma Prince, and I can enable childless beings throughout the Dharma Realm who wish to have sons to be blessed with meritorious, virtuous, and wise sons. Thirteenth: with perfect penetration of the six sense organs, the light and what is illumined are not two. Encompassing the ten directions, a great perfect mirror stands in the Empty Treasury of the Thus Come One. I inherit the secret Dharma-doors of as many Thus Come Ones as there are fine motes of dust throughout the ten directions, receiving them without loss. I can enable childless beings throughout the Dharma Realm who seek daughters to be blessed with lovely daughters who are upright, virtuous, and compliant and whom everyone cherishes and respects. Fourteenth: In this three-thousand-great-thousand world system with its billions of suns and moons, as many Dharma princes as there are grains of sands in sixty-two Ganges Rivers appear in the world, cultivate the Dharma, and act as models in order to teach and transform beings. They comply with beings by means of expedients and wisdom, in different ways for each. However, because I have obtained the perfect penetration of the sense-organ and have discovered the wonder of the ear-entrance, after which my body and mind subtly and miraculously included all of the Dharma Realm, I can enable beings who uphold my name to obtain as much merit and virtue as would be obtained by a person who upheld the names of all those Dharma princes as many as the grains of sand in sixty-two Ganges Rivers. World Honored One, the merit of my one name is the same as those many other names, because from my cultivation I have obtained true and perfect penetration. These are called the fourteen powers of bestowing fearlessness; with them I bless living beings."
世尊。我復以此聞熏聞修。金剛三昧無作妙力。與諸十方三世六道一切眾生。同悲仰故。令諸眾生。 於我身心。獲十四種無畏功德。一者。由我不自觀音以觀觀者。令彼十方苦惱眾生。觀其音聲。即得解脫。二者。知見旋復。令諸眾生。設入大火。火不能燒。三者。觀聽旋復。令諸眾生。大水所漂。水不能溺。四者。斷滅妄想。心無殺害。令諸眾生。入諸鬼國。鬼不能害。五者。熏聞成聞。六根銷復。同於聲聽。能令眾生。臨當被害。刀段段壞。使其兵戈。猶如割水。亦如吹光。性無搖動。六者。聞熏精明。明遍法界。則諸幽暗性不能全。能令眾生。藥叉。羅剎。鳩槃茶鬼。及毗舍遮。富單那等。雖近其傍。目不能視。七者。音性圓銷。觀聽返入。離諸塵妄。能令眾生。禁繫枷鎖。所不能著。八者。滅音圓聞。遍生慈力。能令眾生。經過險路。賊不能劫。九者。熏聞離塵。色所不劫。能令一切多婬眾生。遠離貪欲。十者。純音無塵。根境圓融。無對所對。能令一切忿恨眾生。離諸瞋恚。十一者。銷塵旋明。法界身心。猶如琉璃。朗徹無礙。能令一切昏鈍性障諸阿顛迦。永離癡暗。十二者。融形復聞。不動道場。涉入世間。不壞世界。能遍十方。供養微塵諸佛如來。各各佛邊為法王子。能令法界無子眾生。欲求男者。誕生福德智慧之男。十三者。六根圓通。明照無二。含十方界。立大圓鏡空如來藏。承順十方微塵如來。秘密法門。受領無失。能令法界無子眾生。欲求女者。誕生端正福德柔順。眾人愛敬有相之女。十四者。此三千大千世界。百億日月。現住世間諸法王子。有六十二恒河沙數。修法垂範。教化眾生。隨順眾生。方便智慧。各各不同。由我所得圓通本根。發妙耳門。然後身心微妙含容。周遍法界。能令眾生持我名號。與彼共持六十二恒河沙諸法王子。二人福德。正等無異。世尊。我一名號。與彼眾多名號無異。由我修習得真圓通。是名十四施無畏力。福備眾生。