
Shurangama Qingx (lak-6)

Hitt sii Sewjunx dirr sraix-aw jyrui, an' gnoxtew qang sijun hongwsia cud vyxqngx, hng hng quanr dirr sibhongx naxx din'aix hiacc je ee Zulaii qapp dharma ongjuw ixqip juui posad ee taukag. Hiaxee juui Zulaii iarr an' gnoxtew qang sijun hongwsia cud vyxqngx, an' naxx biser din'aix hiacc je ee soxjai laii quanr dirr Vut ee taukag, iarr quanr huathue lairdew juui dua posad qapp arhat. Navoo, ciurbok, juixdii, qapp unwde longxx enxjaur cud huat'imx. Qngsnuar qaucex bersux dinquir sxix jyr ee bxang-aw. Jitt jiongw qinglik, jingwlangg m bad jingrr u, itcer dairjiongr poxpenr did diyc Qimqongx Vajra Samadhi. Hitt sii tnix lyhho. Vacvyw lenhuex, cnix :ee, ngg :ee, angg ;ee, qapp vec :ee qnaiwcah jabcyr. Sibhongx hukongx venwsingg cid jiongw vyquir ee sikcaiw. Jitt xee Saha Sewqair ee dairde qapp sanhyy jidsii longxx byy .kir ar. Qnadna' knuar diyc sibhongx naxx biser din'aix hiacc je ee qoktow ionghap venwsingg jit xee sewqair. Sunbiw janwtanr ee imquax jurzendig enxjaur.

(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 6 --6)
Then the World Honored One upon his Lion’s Throne emitted simultaneously from his five extremities a radiant light which shone far throughout the ten directions to anoint the crowns of as many Thus Come Ones and Dharma Prince Bodhisattvas as there are motes of dust. All those Thus Come Ones also emitted from their five extremities radiant lights which were as numerous as motes of dust and which came from the various directions to anoint the crown of the Buddha as well as the crowns of all the great Bodhisattvas and Arhats in the assembly. Groves, trees, pools, and ponds all proclaimed the sound of Dharma.  The lights blended and criss-crossed like a jeweled silken net. Everyone in the great assembly experienced this unprecedented event and attained the Vajra Samádhi. Then the heavens rained down hundreds of precious lotus flowers of variegated combinations of blue, yellow, red, and white. All the space in the ten directions turned the colors of the seven gems. This Saha world, the great earth itself along with the mountains and rivers disappeared totally, and all that could be seen were lands as numerous as motes of dust coming together as one realm. Pure praises in song and chant were spontaneously heard everywhere in celebration.


