
Shurangama Qingx (lak-7)

Jurr anxnex Zulaii qra Manjushr Dharma Ongwjuiw qongw, "Liw dnaxx quancad jitt zi-jap-go xui (benw qycc yc) dua posat qapp arhat. Inx qokk langg decc qongw cocox singjiu dyrhing ee hongven hxuad, longxx qongw inx ee siulen si jinsit uanbuanw tongdat. Inx hiaxee siuhing, sidjai byy hyw-baiw qapp jingg-au ee jingcax. Guaw jitmaw beh hro Ananda kaigno. Jex zi-jap-go siuhing huatmngg, dycc jit xee juer qinvunw? Qycjaiww jit hxang, danw guaw zibbet liauxau, jitt xee sewqair ee jiongwsingx beh zip posad dy, beh qriuu busiong jingwdy, dycc jit xee hongven huatmngg kacc kuair did diyc singjiu?"

(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 6 --7)
Then the Thus Come One said to Dharma Prince Manjushri, "You should now contemplate these twenty-five great Bodhisattvas and Arhats who are beyond study. Each has explained the initial expedient in his accomplishment of the Way. All say they have cultivated to true and actual perfect penetration. Their cultivation is equal without distinctions of superior and inferior or earlier and later. I now wish to cause Ánanda to become enlightened, and so I ask which of these twenty-five practices is appropriate to his faculties, and which will be, after my extinction, the easiest expedient door for beings of this realm to enter in order to accomplish the Bodhisattva vehicle and seek the unsurpassed Way."


