
Shurangama Qingx (lak-4)

"Sewjunx, guaw qycc u did diyc uanbuanw tongdat. Siulen busiong dyrhing u did diyc jingwbingg ee enqor, qycc tangx jiaujngg did diyc sir xee vutkyw sugi byy jok'uii ee bibiau qongdig. Derr id jiongw, guaw cocox did diyc bibiau ee tniax-simx, simx jingbiau qra tniax vangr li. Qenwbunn qakdix berdangr hunquah, jniaa jyr jit xee uanbuanw tangx ionglap cingjing ee vyxquir qakdix. Jex diwsuw guaw tangx henxhen jerje jiongw qibiau ee iongmau; erdangr qongw viwbit ee sinbiau jiuwgiw byy dixjiw. Qidiongx ursii henxhen jit xee tauu, snax xee tauu, go xee tauu, cid xee tauu, qauw xee tauu, iacc jap-id xee tauu. Jiauww jitt kuanw simrjiww qaur jit-vah kxongr veh xee tauu, cingx xee tauu, bxan xee tauu, iacc veh-bxan sir-cingx vajra ee tauu. Ursii u nng qix ciuw, sir qix ciuw, lak qix ciuw, veh qix ciuw, jap qix ciuw, jap-zi qix ciuw, jap-sir, jap-lak, jap-veh, zi-jap jiww zi-sir. Jiauww jitt kuanw simrjiww qaur jit-vah kxongr veh qix ciuw, cingx qix ciuw, bxan qix ciuw, iacc veh-bxan sir-cingx qix mudra ee ciuw. Ursii u nng luiw bagjiux, snax luiw bagjiux, sir luiw bagjiux. Jiauww jitt kuanw simrjiww qaur jit-vah kxongr veh luiw bagjiux, cingx luiw bagjiux, bxan luiw bagjiux, iacc veh-bxan sir-cingx cingjing vyxquir ee bagjiux. Uree juvix, uree uigiamm. Ursii dniardiyc, ursii u diwhui. Qiuwjo qapp vyxho jiongwsingx hro inx did diyc dua jurjai. Derr zi jiongw, guaw an' tniax qapp sniu laii tuatli liogdinn. Naxx snia'imx quer cniuviah qangrkuanw, berdangr qra joxgai. Soxiw guaw ee bibiau tangx henr cud jiongxjiongw ee siongwtew, tangx liam jiongxjiongw jiuwgiw. Jiaxee siongwtew qapp jiuwgiw e ixx byy qnia'uir laii sisiar hro juui jiongwsingx. Jex diwsuw sibhongx naxx bibiau din'aix hiacc je ee qoktow longxx qra guaw qiyr juer sisiar byy qnia'uir :ee. Derr snax jiongw, in'ui guaw u siulen qapp hagsip guanvunw bibiau uanbuanw tongdat cingjing ee vunxqinx, soxx iulik .quer ee sewqair, longxx hro hiaxee jiongwsingx qamguan qra sinkux qapp dinquir vyxvuer vangr li laii qiucuw guaw ee linbinw. Derr sir jiongw, guaw did diyc Vudsimx, liauxted qiuwqingr jingwhuad u did diyc jingwsit, erdangr ixx jiongxjiongw dinquir vyxvuer qiongqib sibhongx Zulaii ixqip huatqair liogdy ee jiongwsingx. Inx qiucuw bow dyrr tangx did diyc bow; qiucuw qniaw dyrr tangx did diyc qniaw; qriuu samadhi dyrr tangx did diyc samadhi; qriuu dngg huewsiu dyrr tangx did diyc dngg huewsiu. Jiauww jitt kuanw simrjiww qaur qiucuw dua liappuann Nirvana, iarr tangx did diyc dua liappuann Nirvana. Vuddyy mng quanhe uanbuanw tongdat. Guaw an' hni-mngg did diyc uanbuanw huatqngx ee samadhi, simx juriuu jurjai. Duiwingr lrauu .zip ee siongwtew did diyc samadhi. Singjiu potee, jitt hxang vaii derr id."

(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 6 --4)
Moreover, World Honored One, because I obtained perfect penetration and cultivated the unsurpassed path to certification, I also became endowed with four inconceivable and effortless wonderful virtues. First: due to my attaining the miraculous wonder of hearing the mind, the essence of mind was liberated from the organ and states of hearing. Therefore, there was no distinction among seeing, hearing, sensation, knowing, and so forth. The enlightenment became a single, perfect fusion, pure and precious enlightenment. For that reason, I am able to manifest many wonderful appearances and can proclaim boundless secret spiritual mantras. Among those, I may appear with one head, three heads, five heads, seven heads, nine heads, eleven heads, and so forth, including a hundred and eight heads, a thousand heads, ten thousand heads, or eighty-four thousand vajra heads; two arms, four arms, six arms, eight arms, ten arms, twelve arms, fourteen, sixteen, eighteen arms, or twenty arms, twenty-four arms, and so forth until there may be a hundred and eight arms, a thousand arms, ten thousand arms, or eighty-four thousand Mudra arms; two eyes, three eyes, four eyes, nine eyes, and so forth including a hundred and eight eyes, a thousand eyes, ten thousand eyes, or eighty-four thousand pure and precious eyes, sometimes compassionate, sometimes awesome, sometimes in samádhi, sometimes displaying wisdom to rescue and protect living beings so that they may attain great self-mastery. Second: Due to my hearing and consideration having escaped the six defiling objects, just as a sound passes over a wall, they could no longer be hindered. For that reason I have the wonderful ability to manifest shape after shape and to recite mantra upon mantra. These shapes and these mantras dispel the fears of living beings. Therefore, throughout the ten directions, in as many lands as there are fine motes of dust, I am known as one who bestows fearlessness. Third: due to my cultivation of fundamental, wonderful, perfect penetration and purification of the sense organ, anywhere I go in any world I can inspire beings to offer up their lives and valuables to seek my sympathy. Fourth: Due to my obtaining the Buddhas’ mind and being certified as having attained the ultimate end, I can make offerings of rare treasures to the Thus Come Ones of the ten directions and to beings in the six paths throughout  the Dharma Realm. If beings seek a spouse, they can obtain a spouse. If they seek children, they can have children. Seeking samádhi, they obtain samádhi; seeking long life, they obtain long life, and so forth to the extent that if they seek the great Nirvana, they obtain great Nirvana. The Buddha asks about perfect penetration. From the gateway of the ear, I obtained a perfect and illumining samádhi that allowed me to respond at ease to beings’ minds. By entering the flow back to the nature and obtaining samádhi, I accomplished Bodhi. That is the foremost means."

世尊。我又獲是圓通。修證無上道故。又能善獲四不思議無作妙德。一者。由我初獲妙妙聞心。心精遺聞。見聞覺知不能分隔。成一圓融清淨寶覺。故我能現眾多妙容。能說無邊秘密神咒。其中或現一首三首五首七首九首十一首。如是乃至一百八首。千首萬首。八萬四千爍迦羅首。二臂四臂六臂八臂十臂十二臂。十四十六十八 二十至二十四。如是乃至一百八臂。千臂萬臂。八萬四千母陀羅臂。二目三目四目九目。如是乃至一百八目。千目萬目。八萬四千清淨寶目。或慈或威。或定或慧。 救護眾生。得大自在。二者。由我聞思。脫出六塵。如聲度垣。不能為礙。故我妙能現一一形。誦一一咒。其形其咒。能以無畏施諸眾生。是故十方微塵國土。皆名我為施無畏者。三者。由我修習本妙圓通清淨本根。所遊世界。皆令眾生捨身珍寶。求我哀愍。四者。我得佛心。證於究竟。能以珍寶種種。供養十方如來。傍及法界六道眾生。求妻得妻。求子得子。求三昧得三昧。求長壽得長壽。如是乃至求大涅槃得大涅槃。佛問圓通。我從耳門圓照三昧。緣心自在。因入流相。得三摩提。成就菩提。斯為第一。

