Vuddyy Qangxsuad Buliong Siursor Qingx (56)
Maitreya, liw qaidongx jai'ngiaw, liw an' busor qiab ixlaii siulen posathing, beh dorhuar jiongwsingx, jex ixqingx jiokk quw :ar. An' liw laii ditdy qaur qaxx liappuann(Nirvana) :ee, hex sowliong be qongw .did ee je. Liw qapp sibhongx soxu tenzinn, zinsinn, ixqip itcer jiongwsingx, an' qiuxuanw ee qiab ixlaii, dirr go dy decc sec decc lunhuee, qingquer jerje iuciuu, qniahniaa, lylok, qapp kunwkow, qongw iarr qongw be jin. Qaur qaxx qimser, snesiw iauxx bue juat, qapp Vut siy' duw, laii tniax suar jiapsiu qinghuad, qycc tniax diyc Buliong Siursor Vut, jex si jin' tangx kuaiwlok ee hyw su. Guaw uirr liw hnuahiw.
(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 56)
Maitreya, you should know that you have, for innumerable kalpas, been perfecting bodhisattva practices to save sentient beings. Incalculable indeed is the number of beings who under your guidance have attained the Way and reached Nirvana. From time immemorial, you and all the devas and humans in the ten quarters and the four groups of followers have been floundering in the five realms of Samsara, undergoing indescribable troubles and afflictions. Until you were born in this life, you, too, underwent endless cycles of birth-and-death. Now you have encountered a Buddha, listened to his expositions of the Dharma, and been able to learn about Amitayus. What pleasure and joy this is for you and for me to share.
(佛說無量壽經 - 56)
Qingbunn Miaa:
Vuddyy Qangxsuad Buliong Siursor Qingx
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