
Vuddyy Qangxsuad Buliong Siursor Qingx (54)

Maitreya Posad dirr Vut binrjingg qui lehh, qongw, "Vut uisinn junquir qycc duiwdiong, soxx qongw :ee tongtauw qycc liongsen. Tniax Vut qingdenw ee gengiw, diwsimx qra sukyw, sewzinn kaksit si jitt kuanw, naxx Vutt soxx qongw :ee. Qimzit Vut juvix u linbinw, henxbingg dua dyrliw, hro guanw hnirkangx qapp bagjiux jiauu kuix qycc bingvik, quxdngg did dortuad. Tniax Vut soxx qongw, byy jit xee byy hnuahiw. Soxu tenzinn, langg, qapp e dinxdang :ee ji' lui longxx did diyc juvix ee unhui, qaixtuad iukow. Vuddyy soxx qongw ee qawsi qapp hunwqair, jiww cimx jiww sxen, diwhui bingqngx tangx qnir vathongx, dingxe, quewkir, birlaii, qapp henrqimx ee su, byy jit hxang byy tetdew tongtaur. Jitmaw guanw jiaxee jingwlangg, soxiw tangx did dortuad, longxx Vut jingg sxer qriuu dy ee sii, kiamvix sinkow siuhing soxx drir. Unhui qapp dikhing kamr poxtnie, hoklok jiww quann, qongbingg tetdew jiysiwqer, tongdat ee kongsingr byy qigtauu, hro langg kaigno zip liappuann(Nirvana). Qawsi qingdenw, qycc iong uidig jewhok qapp siaduu og :ee. Qamxdong sibhongx, byy qiongjin, byy qighan. Vut si huat'ongg, junquir ciauquer soxu ee singwjiaw, tangx jyr itcer tenzinn qapp langg ee sensnix. Suii qokk langg simx soxx guan, longxx hro inx did dy. Henrsii tangx duw diyc Vut, qycc tniax diyc Buliong Siursor ee miahy, byy jit xee byy hnuahiw, longxx simx kuix ir bingg." 

(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 54)    
The Bodhisattva Maitreya prostrated himself on the ground and said, "Your majestic glory, O Buddha, is awe-inspiring, and your exposition is most pleasing to me. Having heard your teaching, I feel deeply that people of the world are just as you have described. Your compassionate revelation of the Great Way has opened our eyes and ears, awakening us to emancipation. Those who have heard your teachings are all filled with joy. Devas, humans and lesser beings, including even those that crawl, have all been blessed by your compassionate guidance and have thereby attained deliverance from suffering and affliction. The Buddha's admonition is indeed profound and appropriate, and his wisdom clearly surveys things in the eight quarters, above and below, penetrating all in the past, present and future. Our emancipation in the present life is entirely due to the Buddha's perseverance and painstaking efforts in his former lives when he was seeking the Way. His benevolence covers the whole world, and the extent of his merit is majestic and glorious. His light penetrates to the utmost ends of space and guides people to Nirvana. He reveals the sutras, destroys wrong views and subdues demons. Thus his influence extends boundlessly in the ten quarters. The Buddha is the King of the Dharma; his virtue surpasses that of all the sages. He is the Teacher of all devas and humans and enables them to enter on the Way according to their wishes. Having been able to meet you, O Buddha, and also to hear the Name of Amitayus, we have all attained joy and illumination."  

(佛說無量壽經 - 54) 
彌勒菩薩長跪白言:「佛威神尊重,所說快善。聽佛經語,貫心思之,世人實爾,如佛所言。 今佛慈愍,顯示大道,耳目開明,長得度脫,聞佛所說,莫不歡喜。諸天人民蠕動之類,皆蒙慈恩,解脫憂苦。佛語教戒,甚深甚善,智慧明見,八方上下去來今事,莫不究暢。今我眾等,所以蒙得度脫,皆佛前世求道之時,謙苦所致。恩德普覆,福祿巍巍,光明徹照,達空無極,開人泥洹。教授典攬,威制消化。感動十方,無窮無極。佛為法王,尊超眾聖,普為一切天人之師,隨心所願,皆令得道。今得值佛,復聞無量壽聲,靡不歡喜,心得開明。」

