
Vuddyy Qangxsuad Buliong Siursor Qingx (60)

Tauu jit kuanw og: Soxu tenzinn, langg, qapp e dinxdang ji' lui, suijai iogbong jyr jerje og, byy jitt xee byy jitt kuanw. Qiongg :ee hanghok ziok :ee, suar horsiongx apjer, sionghai, siy' taii, siy' vaixter decc tunjiac, m jaix rair siuhing jyr sxen, jyr og byy jiauww dyrgi. Au .laii sriu jaiiongx sriu dinghuat, jurzenn e hiongr og dy hiax kir. Sinbingg qiwlok cingcywsoxx jyr ee pnaiw be did siawbenw. Mrjiacc u sanwciah, vijen, kitjiac, qapp qodok, cauwhni, cnimii, exqauw, gugong, cigaii, hionghog, simrjiww puawsniur, siauxqongg, iacc kacc byy jingwsiongg jitt lui. Marr u hitt hy junquir, hyxgiac, u jaijingg, iacc bingtongx ee langg, longxx si siokser juvix, iuxhaur, siusen, qapp jikdig soxx drir. Sewqanx u ciangjai ee dyrliw, u huatlut, u qnalyy. Hitt quaw m qniax m qinxsin, jyr og jiahjue, sriu diyc jaiiongx dinghuat :ee, inx qiubang qaixtuad, iarr lann did tuatliSewqanx u jiaxee bagjingg ee su, siursor liauxqed qaur au sxer, e qyckacc cimx qyckacc qioglet. Zip kir oamr ee og dy, srinx juanw cutsir kir hiax, kyxviw sewqanx ee huatlut, sriu qigkamw ee hinghuat jin' tongwkow. 

(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 60)  
The Buddha said, "The first evil is this. Devas, humans and lesser beings, including even those that crawl, are bent on doing evil. There is no being that is not. The strong subdue the weak; all inflict serious injuries and kill each other, all devour their prey. Not knowing how to do good, they commit evil and do outrageous and unruly deeds. Later, they receive retribution, it is natural that they should be destined to evil realms. Demigods keep records of offenders' acts and make sure that they are punished. That is why some are poor and destitute, corrupt, beggarly, lonely, deaf, dumb, blind, stupid, wicked, physically handicapped, deranged, or subnormal. But others are honorable, noble, wealthy, intelligent, or clever. This is the result of good and meritorious acts of benevolence and the performance of their duties to their parents in past lives. In this world prisons are set up by the law, and those who are unafraid of them and commit offenses are sent there for punishment. However desperately they may wish to escape, it is impossible to do so. Such is retribution in this world, but in the lives to come, punishment is longer and more severe for such evildoers. The suffering of transmigration through dark and dismal realms is comparable to the severest and most painful punishment ever enforced by law. 

(佛說無量壽經 - 60)  

