
Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Sir-10)

Au .laii inx cur-lai ee jit xee jaboxqanw snix jitt xee qniaw, bue muaw snax zit dyrr e qongxue. Ngix :a tauu lee lee visiongx tikaur duiww Qngx Bak qongw, 'Snesiw giab'enn, qyxvyr jurqiw singsiu. Guaw si linw laurbuw, quxdngg diamr dirr oamr ee soxjai. Jurjiongg qapp liw lirvet, duirlyc dua dergak. Sriu liw hokvyr ee diwimr, guaw jiacc tangx siursingx. Dnaxx cutsir jyr harjyh ee langg, qycc e dew miaa, siursor jiacc jap-snax, siw liauxau qycc e duirlyc og dy. Liw u sniaw qewcig, tangx hro guaw tuatsinjauw?'

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)   
(Karmic Retributions of Beings of Jambudvipa -10) 
Shortly thereafter a maidservant in the house bore a son who spoke before he was three days' old. Lowering his head and weeping he said to Bright Eyes, ‘The karmic conditions we create during our lives and deaths result in retributions that we ourselves must undergo. I am your mother and have been in darkness for a long time. Since you and I parted, I have repeatedly fallen into the great hells. Upon receiving the power of your blessings, I have been reborn as a servant's child with a short lifespan. Thirteen years from now, I will fall into the Evil Paths again. Do you have some way to free me so that I can avoid them?'   

(閻浮眾生業感品 - 10) 

