
Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Snax-1)

(Quanknuar Jiongwsingx ee Giab'enn) 
Hitt xee sijun, Vuddyy ee laurbuw Maia Huzinn habjiongw qiongqingr mng Derjong Posad qongxx, "Singwjiaw! Jambu ee jiongwsingx, inx soxx jy ee giap u caved, inx soxx sriu ee vywingr iarr u caved. Jiaxee dairjir si zuhyy?"
Derjong Posad rinr qongxx, "Cenban xee sewqair iacc cenban xee qoktow lairdew, uree u derdak, uree byy dergak; uree u luxzinn, uree byy luxzinn; uree u vudhuad, uree byy vudhuad; simrjiww sniabunn qapp pratiekabuddha iarr si uree u, uree byy. M si dna' dergak ee juervyr jitt jit kuanw." 

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)
(Contemplating the Karmic Conditions of Beings - 1)  
At that time the Buddha's mother. Lady Maya, placed her palms together respectfully and asked Earth Store Bodhisattva, "Great Sage, could you tell us about the different kinds of karma that beings of Jambudvipa create and the resulting retributions that they undergo?" 
Earth Store replied, "There are millions of worlds and lands that may or may not have hells, may or may not have women, may or may not have Buddhadharma, and so forth to having or not having Sound-hearers and Pratyekabuddhas. Since the worlds differ, the retributions in the hells also differ." 

(觀眾生業緣品 - 1)  

