Jitt xee sewqair huixhuai ee sii, inx e kir vadd xee sewqair jiycduar. Vadd xee sewqair huixhuai, inx e kir vadd xui jiycduar. Vadd xui huixhuai ee sii, inx qycjaiww kir lingrr jit xui jiycduar. Jitt xee sewqair qycc hingsingg liauxau, inx e qycc dngw .laii. Byy qnaiwdng juervyr ee jinghingg dyrr si zucuw.
(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)
(Contemplating the Karmic
Conditions of Beings - 7)
When this world is destroyed, they find themselves in another world.
When that world is destroyed, they pass to another one. When that world, too, is
destroyed, they move on to another. When this world comes into being again,
they return here. The
situation involving Relentless retribution for offenses is like that.(地藏菩薩本願經)
(觀眾生業緣品 - 7)