
Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Snax-4)

Derjong qycc qongw, "Singwbuw! Narr u jiongwsingx huan cincniu jiaxee jue, qaidongx duirlyc go xee Byy Qnaiwdng Dergak. Inx qiqiuu koxlan jiamrsii tingjiw, suacc lenrr itliam ee siqanx iarr qriuu be did diyc."
Maia Huzinn qycjaiww mng Derjong Posad qongxx, "Si anwjnuaw hy jr Byy Qnaiwdng Dergak?"
Derjong qongw, "Singwbuw! Soxu dergak longxx dirr Dua Uii Tih Snuax lairdew. Qidiongx dua dergak u jap-veh xui, kacc ser :ee u go-vah xui, miahy longxx byy qangg; qyckacc ser :ee u cingvah xui, miazi iarr byy qangg. Byy Qnaiwdng Dergak, hex dergak ee sniadii siwkolinwdngw u veh-bxan gua lxiw. Hex sniadii si sunn tih jy :ee, quann jit-bxan lxiw. Sniaa-dingw jiauu huexiam, kongkir jiokk kiamwkueh. Dirr hex dergak ee sniadii lairdew, soxu dergak longxx siy' lenn, miahy longxx byy qangg. Dogdok u jit xee dergak, miaa qiyr jyr Byy Qnaiwdng. Hex dergak siwkolinwdngw u jit-bxan veh-cingx lxiw, dergak ee cniuuii quann jit-cingx lxiw, longxx si uii tih. Dingxtauu ee huew tangr qaur erdew, erdew ee huew tangr qaur dingxtauu. Ticjuaa qapp ticqauw punr huew dirr dergak ee cniuuii dingxbin decc duizib, dirr dangx saix nng vingg ongxhuee decc pauxjauw.  

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra) 
(Contemplating the Karmic Conditions of Beings - 4) 
Earth Store continued, "Worthy Mother, beings who commit such offenses will fall into the Fivefold Relentless Hell where they will constantly seek for temporary relief from their suffering but will never receive even a moment's respite." 
Lady Maya further asked Earth Store Bodhisattva, "Why is that hell called Relentless?" 
Earth Store replied, "Worthy Mother, the hells are all within the Great Iron Ring Mountain. The eighteen great hells and the five hundred subsequent ones each have their own names. There are hundreds of thousands more that also have their own names. The Relentless Hell is found within a city of hells that encompasses more than eighty thousand square miles. That city is made entirely of iron. Ten thousand miles above the city is an unbroken mass of fire. Within the city are many interconnected hells, each with a different name. "There is just one hell called Relentless. Its circumference is eighteen thousand miles. The wall of that hell is a thousand miles high, totally made iron, and covered with a fire burning downward that is joined by a fire burning upward. Iron snakes and dogs spewing fire race back and forth atop that wall. 

(觀眾生業緣品 - 4) 
地藏白言:聖母,諸有地獄在大鐵圍山之 內,其大地獄有一十八所,次有五百,名號各別,次有千百,名字亦別。無間獄者,其獄城周匝八萬餘里,其城純鐵,高一萬里,城上火聚,少有空缺。其獄城中,諸獄相連,名號各別。獨有一獄,名曰無間,其獄周匝萬八千里,獄牆高一千里,悉是鐵圍,上火徹下,下火徹上。鐵蛇鐵狗,吐火馳逐獄牆之上,東西而走。

