
Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Cid-11)

Qycc u, diongxjiaw! U jitt hy kuanw juergiap ee jiongwsingx, inx sniwmia liauxqed ixau, quanwsiok iacc qutziok uirr inx sed jecamr dirr giabdy-dingw jujo. Dirr jainiuu iauxx bue jiac ixqip dngdecc vran ee sii, biw, vng qapp caiwhiyc longxx m tangx hro lag lyc tokax. Jiongxjiongw jiahsit iauxx bue henr hro Vut qapp jaijingx ixjingg bersaiw singx jiac. Narr u uihuanw suacc kir jiac ixqip byy unkunn, jitt xee sniwmia liauxqed ee langg juanzenn did be diyc qongdig. Narr u unkunn qapp qiongqingr decc uiho laii henr hro Vut qapp jaijingx, jitt xee sniwmia liauxqed ee langg, cid hunx qongdig tangx did diyc jit hunx. Mrjiacc qongxx, diongxjiaw! Jamvudvipa ee jiongwsingx narr erdangr uirr inx ee verbuw simrjiww quanwsiok dirr inx sniwmia liauxqed ixau sed jecamr henwqingr, itsimx-it'ir, unkunn, qycc singkunw, bylun siw .kir iacc uac lehh :ee longxx tangxx did diyc lirig."

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)       
(Benefiting the Living and the Dead -11)
Moreover, Elder, when beings who have committed karmic offenses die, their relatives may prepare vegetarian offerings to aid them on their karmic paths. In the process of preparing the vegetarian meal and before it has been eaten, rice-washing water and vegetable leaves should not be thrown on the ground. Before the food is offered to the Buddhas and Sangha no one should eat it. If there is laxness or transgression in this matter, then the deceased will receive no strength from it. If purity is vigorously maintained in making the offering to the Buddhas and Sangha, the deceased will receive one-seventh of the merit. Therefore, Elder, by performing vegetarian offerings on behalf of deceased fathers, mothers, and other relatives while making earnest supplication on their behalf, beings of Jambudvipa benefit both the living and the dead."  

(利益存亡品 - 11) 

