
Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Cid-9)

Derjong rinr qongxx, "Diongxjiaw! Guaw dnaxx uirr birlaii qapp henrjai itcer jiongwsingx, singlingw Vut uidig ee lat, coliok qongw jit xe aw jitt hxang su. Diongxjiaw! Birlaii qapp henrjai soxu jiongwsingx limjiongx hitt zit, narr u tniax diyc jit xui vut ee mia, jit xui posad ee miaa, iacc jitt xui Pratyekabuddha ee miaa, vutlun u jue byy jue, longxx tangx did diyc qaixtuad. Narr u lamjuw iacc luxjuw, jairsnix ee sii byy siujy senrinx, dendyww jy jiongxjiongw ee jue, sniwmia liauxqed ixau, duarser quanwsiok uirr inx soxx jy ee hokli qapp itcer sxingr-su, cid hunx lairdew inx tangx did diyc jit hunx, lak hunx qongdig, uac lehh ee langg tangx qaqi did. In'ui jitt xee enqor, birlaii qapp henrjai ee senrlamm-sinwluw tniax .diyc, tranr sintew iaxx iongxqnia ee sii, diyhh jurqiw siuhing, muixx jit hunx ee qogdig longxx tangx sriok qaqi. Busiongg jitt xee dua qxuiw byy hanrdnia dangsii e qaur. Bongbongg-biauxbiauw iulik ee sinhunn, si jue si hog birdix. Cid-cid zir-jap-qauw qangx lai, inx naxx cincniu sitsinn iacc cauwhni :ee, iacc si dirr imsix lunrven giabjer ee qyxvyr. Simxduanr ixau, inx e qinqur giap siursingx. Iauxx bue simxpnuar dniardiyc ixjingg, inx dyrr u cenban jiongw ee iuciuu qapp koxcow, hyhongr duirlyc qaur qokk jiongw ee og dy kir.  

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)       
(Benefiting the Living and the Dead -9) 
Earth Store replied, "Elder, based on the awesome power of the Buddhas, I will now proclaim this principle for the sake of beings of the present and future. Elder, if beings of the present and future when on the verge of dying hear the name of one Buddha, one Bodhisattva, or one Pratyekabuddha, they will attain liberation whether they have offenses or not. When men or women laden with offenses who failed to plant good causes die, even they can receive one-seventh of any merit dedicated to them by relatives who do good deeds on their behalf. The other six-sevenths of the merit will return to the living relatives who did the good deeds. It follows that men and women of the present and future who cultivate while they are strong and healthy will receive every portion of the benefit derived. The arrival of the Great Ghost of Impermanence is so unexpected that the deceased ones' consciousnesses first roam in darkness and obscurity, unaware of offenses and blessings. For forty-nine days they are as if deluded or deaf, or as if in courts where their karmic retributions are being decided. Once judgment is fixed, rebirths are undergone according to their karma. In the time before rebirths are determined, the deceased suffer thousands of myriads of concerns. How much more is that the case for those who are to fall into the bad destinies. 

(利益存亡品 - 9) 
地藏答言:長者,我今為未來現在一切眾 生,承佛威力,略說是事。長者,未來現在諸眾生等,臨命終日,得聞一佛名、一菩薩名、一辟支佛名,不問有罪無罪,悉得解脫。若有男子女人,在生不修善因多造眾罪。命終之後,眷屬小大,為造福利一切聖事,七分之中而乃獲一,六分功德,生者自利。以是之故,未來現在善男女等,聞健自修,分分己獲。無常大鬼,不期而到,冥冥遊神,未知罪福。七七日內,如癡如聾,或在諸司辯論業果。審定之後,據業受生。未測之間,千萬愁苦,何況墮於諸惡趣等。

