
Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Veh-5)

Piwlun u langg sitbee cue byy lo dngw cur, liahduargo qniaa zip hiamw dy. Hitt xee hiamw dy lairdew u jerje iarcex, how, lxongg, sraix, juaa, qapp get'axtangg. Jitt xee sitlo ee langg dirr hiamw dy lairdew, liammix dyrr beh jysiu jerje hairdok. U jit xee u diwsig :ee, ix jai'ngiaw qaixqiur ee honghuad, gauu qimwjuat jiongxjiongw hairdok, simrjiww iarcex qapp jiongxjiongw okdok :ee. Buiwdiongx ix duw diyc sitlo :ee beh qniaa zip kir hiamw dy, dyrr qra qongw, 'Sewzi a, javolangg! Uirr simxmih enqor beh laii qniaa jitt diauu lo? Liw u sniaw ngirjaii iacc vunxdingw tangx jewab jiongxjiongw ee dok?' Jitt xee sitlo ee langg hutzenn tniax diyc jiaxee ue, jiacc jaix si hiamw dy, dyrr qinw tewau, beh qriuu cutlo. Jitt xee senrdiwsig qra tevuat qapp jiap'ingr, inxcua ix cud hiamw dy, benw did ix sriu jiongxjiongw hairdok, qycc suar jo ix qniaa kir qaur hyw lo, hro ix did diyc anlok.     

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)      
(Praises of King Yama and His Followers -5)  
They are like people who in confusion, lost their way home and took a bad road by mistake. On that treacherous road were many Yakshas, tigers, wolves, lions, serpents, and vipers. Those confused people were sure to be harmed in an instant on that dangerous path. But then they met a knowledgeable guide, skilled in neutralizing all harm, including the toxins of the Yakshas and others. The mentor began to guide the travelers off that road and told them, 'Beware, everyone! What business brought you onto this road? What kinds of special skills do you have to avoid all that harm?' Hearing that, the confused travelers realized they were on a dangerous path and turned back, attempting to escape. "The kind guide then told them to join hands, led them off the dangerous path, and helped them avoid the deadly peril. When they reached a safe path, the travelers grew happy and at peace. 

(閻羅王眾讚歎品 - 5)  

