Hitt sijun, jiongww Brahma ee ongg iong jimggensix janwsiong Vut liauxau, qokqok anxnex qongw, ‘Hibang Sewjunx dngw huatlenw, hro itcer sewqanx jiongw tnix, xmoo, Brahma, sabunn, brahma longxx did diyc an’unw laii did diyc dortuad.’
Hitt sii, jiongww Brahma ee ongg itsimgx qang sniax, iong jimgensix janwsiong qongxx:
Dna’ hibang tensiong qapp zinqanx ee junjiaw
Dngw busiong huatlenw
Longr dua Hxuad-qow
Vunn dua Hxuad-lxee
Poxpenr qangwlyc dua Hxuad-ho
Dro buliong jiongwsingx
Guanw longxx cingxqiuu liw
Diyhh enxsuad cim’uanw ee Huat'imx
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter VII The Apparitional City 13)
“Thereupon, having praised the Buddha in verse, the great Brahmas said this: O Bhagavat! We request that you turn the wheel of the Dharma, thus causing the devamāras, Brahmas, śrāmaṇas, and brahmans to be at ease and saving them all!
“Then the great Brahmas spoke these verses wholeheartedly and in unison:
We entreat you,
O Best of Devas and Humans,
To turn the wheel of the highest Dharma,
Beat the drum of the great Dharma,
Blow the conch of the great Dharma,
Rain the rain of the great Dharma everywhere,
And save incalculable sentient beings!
We have all come to request
That you expound it With your profound voice!
(妙法蓮華經第七品 化城喻之13)
唯願天人尊 轉無上法輪
擊于大法鼓 而吹大法螺
普雨大法雨 度無量眾生
我等咸歸請 當演深遠音