
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (cid-15)

Hitt sijun, go-vah-bxan ig jiongww Brahma ee ongg qra inx ee qiongden jah lehh, qokqog iong snxax drew qokk jiongw tnidingw ee huex qiongrdongg ngr harhongx jen'ongw beh cue jinsiongr. Inx knuar diyc Duartongx Diwhui Jniawsiong Zulaii diamr dirr dyrdniuu, dirr poteciu-kax ee sraix-jyrui jre lehh. Jiongww tnix, ling'ongg, gandharva, kimnara, mahoraga, u sriok langg qapp byy sriok langg :ee jiaxee longxx qiongqingr qra uii lehh, iarr knuar diyc jap-lak xui ongjuw cniaw Vut dngw huatlenw. 

Hitt sii, inx iong tauu qapp bin kap de vair Vut, qra Vut uii lehh sec vaccingx linr, liauxau iong tnidingw ee huex ia dirr Vut ee sinkux-dingw. Inx ia ee huex cincniu Sumeru Snuax hiacc quann, qycc iong huex qiong’iongw Vut ee poteciu. Iong huex qiong’iongw liauw, inx qokqog qra qiongden hongrhenr hro hitt xui Vut. Inx anxnex qongw, 'Cniaw linbinw guanw, hro guanw did diyc lirig. Soxx hongrhenr ee qiongden, hibang liw jiapsiu.'

Hitt sii, jiongww Brahma ee ongg dirr Vut taujingg itsimgx qang sniax, iong jimgensix janwsiong qongxx:

Tangx qnir diyc jiongww vut jin' hyw

Qiuwser ee dairsingr sewjunx 

Dirr samqair ee dergak 

Kinbenw qra jiongwsingx qiur .cud .laii 

U qongxpog ee diwhui virr tenzinn qapp langg soxx junqingr 

Linbinw qokk lui jiongwsingx 

Tangx kuix qamlo ee mngg 

Poxpenr dro itcer jiongwsingx 

Dirr sikzit buliong qiab 

Byy vut kangx kangx quer 

Sewjunx bue cuthen ee sii 

Sibhongx dniardnia oamr 

Snax og dy ee jiongwsingx jingqax 

Asuara iarr jin' ong 

Jerje tenqair ee jiognwsingx venr jiyw 

Siw liauw kacc je duirlyc og dy 

M bad an' vut tniax diyc Hxuad 

Dniardniar jyr vutsen 

Siksinx ee lat qapp diwhui 

Jiaxee longxx qiamxjiyw 

Jy juergiap ee enqor 

Srid kir kuaiwlok qapp kuaiwlok ee sniurhuad 

Diamr dirr siaa qenwsig 

M jaix sxen ee hinggii qapp junxjig 

Byy did diyc vut ee qauwhuar 

Dniardnia duirlyc dirr og dy 

Vut jyr sewqanx ee bagjiux 

Quw quw jiacc cuthen 

Linwbinw jiongwsingx 

Soxiw cuthen dirr sewqanx 

Ix ciuatuad ixx singjiu jniawsiong qakdix 

Guanw jiokk hnuahiw jiokk hyw un 

Qitax itcer jiongsingx 

Iarr hnuahiw qapp janwtanr ixjaw m bad u 

Guanw ee qiongden 

Singsiu vut ee qngx soxiw jiacc jonggiamm 

Henrjai laii hongrhenr hro Sewjunx 

Dogdok hibang liw jiapsiu 

Brang jitt hy qongdig 

Poxpenr huehiongr hro itcer 

Guanw qapp jiongwsingx 

Longxx qiongrdongg singjiu vuddy 

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter VII The Apparitional City 15)

“Thereupon five hundred myriads of koṭis of great Brahmas went into the lower regions with their palaces to enquire about this phenomenon, carrying heavenly flowers in their robes. They saw the Tathāgata Mahābhijñājñānābhibhū on the terrace of enlightenment sitting on the lion seat under the bodhi tree. He was respectfully surrounded by humans and such nonhumans as devas, nāga kings, gandharvas, kiṃnaras, and mahoragas. They also saw the sixteen princes requesting the Buddha to turn the wheel of the Dharma. 

“Then all the great Brahmas bowed until their foreheads touched the Buddha’s feet and then circumambulated him one hundred thousand times. They scattered heavenly flowers on the Buddha, and the flowers they scattered were piled up as high as Mount Sumeru. They also paid homage to the Buddha’s bodhi tree. Having reverently offered him flowers, they presented their palaces to the Buddha saying: Please accept the palaces we now offer you, and benefit us through your compassion! 

“Then all the great Brahmas spoke these verses wholeheartedly and in unison before the Buddha: 

How splendid it is to meet the buddhas, 

The Great Sages who deliver the world, 

Who diligently work to get sentient beings 

Out of the hell of the triple world! 

The Best of Devas and Humans, 

Who has universal wisdom, 

Out of compassion for everyone 

Opens the gate to immortality 

And extensively saves all. 

Since olden times, immeasurable kalpas 

Have passed away in vain 

Without the presence of the Buddha. 

In the time before the Bhagavat appears, 

The ten directions are in constant darkness. 

Those in the three troubled states of being increase 

And the asuras also flourish. 

The devas decrease all the more, 

And when they die 

Many of them fall into those troubled states. 

Having never heard the teaching from the Buddha, 

All of them always behave badly, 

And their physical power and wisdom decreases. 

Because of their erring deeds 

They lose happiness or any notion of it. 

Abiding in the teaching of false views 

They know nothing of good conduct. 

Deprived of the buddhas’ inspiration, 

They always fall into the troubled states of being. 

After a very long time, the Buddha has now 

Appeared as the Eye of the World. 

It is out of compassion for sentient beings 

That the Buddha appears in the world. 

Transcending everything, the Buddha 

Has attained complete enlightenment. 

We are all extremely happy, 

And all the other beings joyfully acclaim 

This unprecedented experience.

All our palaces are beautifully adorned 

By this ray of light. 

We now offer them to the Bhagavat. 

Please accept them out of your compassion! 

By the universal transference of this merit, 

May we and all other beings 

Together attain the buddha path!

(妙法蓮華經第七品 化城喻之15)

爾時五百萬億諸梵天王。與宮殿俱。各以衣裓盛諸天華。共詣下方推尋是相。見大通智勝如來處于道場菩提樹下坐師子座。諸天龍王乾闥婆緊那羅摩睺羅伽人非人等恭敬圍繞。及見十六王子請佛轉法輪。時諸梵天王。頭面禮佛繞百千匝。即以天華而散佛上。所散之花如須彌山。并以供養佛菩提樹。 花供養已。各以宮殿奉上彼佛。而作是言。唯見哀愍饒益我等。所獻宮殿願垂納受。時諸梵天王。即於佛前一心同聲。以偈頌曰。

 善哉見諸佛  救世之聖尊

 能於三界獄  勉出諸眾生

 普智天人尊  哀愍群萌類

 能開甘露門  廣度於一切

 於昔無量劫  空過無有佛

 世尊未出時  十方常暗冥

 三惡道增長  阿修羅亦盛

 諸天眾轉減  死多墮惡道

 不從佛聞法  常行不善事

 色力及智慧  斯等皆減少

 罪業因緣故  失樂及樂想

 住於邪見法  不識善儀則

 不蒙佛所化  常墮於惡道

 佛為世間眼  久遠時乃出

 哀愍諸眾生  故現於世間

 超出成正覺  我等甚欣慶

 及餘一切眾  喜歎未曾有

 我等諸宮殿  蒙光故嚴飾

 今以奉世尊  唯垂哀納受

 願以此功德  普及於一切

 我等與眾生  皆共成佛道

