
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (veh-1)


Derr Sir Qngw

Derr Veh Pinw: Go-vah Xee Derjuw Siurr Jyr Qiwzin

Hitt sijun, Maitrayani ee qniaw Purna an’ Vut tniax diyc u diwhui, hongven qycc quangii ee suathuad, qycc tniax diyc dua derjuw siurr jyr anuttara-samyak-sambodhi ee qiwzin, qycc tniax diyc siokser inenn ee dairjir, qycc tniax diyc jiongww vut u dua jurjai sintongx ee lat, did diyc m bad u ee qinggiam, simx cingjing, jiokk hnuahiw. Ix dyrr an’ jyrui vreh kiw, qaur Vut binrtaujingg, tauu qapp bin kap de vair Vut ee kax liauxau diamr dirr vnix:a giongxbong jungann, bagjiux m qramx suaw kuix. Ix anxnex sniu, “Sewjunx jiokk qibiau, soxx jyr :ee jiokk hihanw. Ix suisun sewqanx jiongxjiongw digsingr, iong hongven ee zinrdix qapp qenwqaiw laii suathuad, qra jiongwsingx jiongxjiongw ee tamsimx qapp jipdiok vuic .kiw .laii. Vut ee qongdig, guanw byy jaidiau qongw. Dna’ Vut Sewjunx tangx jaix guanw simlai ee vunxguan.”

Hitt sijun, Vuddyy qra jiongww bikiu qongw, “Linw u knuar diyc Maitrayani ee qniaw Purna bor? Guaw dniardnia ylyw ix si suathuad ee langg lairdew siongrr cutdiyh :ee, iarr dniardnia janwtanr ix ee jiongxjiongw qongdig. Ix qutlat decc horcii qapp vangjo suanqangw guaw ee Hxuad, tangx hro sir jiongw derjuw did diyc kaisi qapp qauwhuar, hro inx did diyc lirig qapp hnuahiw. Ix uanjuann u jaidiau qaixsueh Vut ee Jniar Hxuad, hro vnivnii sidjenr cingjing senrhingg :ee dua dua did diyc lirig. Druu kir Zulaii, byy vadd langg ee genlun tangx vren e quer ix. 

Linw m tangx liahjunw Purna dna’ henrjai decc horcii qapp vangjo suanqangw guaw ee Hxuad. Ix dirr quewkir qauw-jap-ig xui vut ee soxjai dyrr u decc hrocii qapp vangjo suanqangw vut ee Jniar Hxuad. Dirr hiax, ix iarr si suathuad ee langg lairdew siongrr cutdiyh :ee. Dirr jiongww vut soxx enxsuad kongsingr ee Hxuad, ix bingvik, tongdat, did diyc sir jiongw byy jiongwgai ee diwhui, dniardnia tangx simxcad jinliw, cingjing laii suathuad, byy u gihik, posad sintong ee lat ix longxx jiauvi, duer siurmia jingqax, dniardnia siuhak dua senrhingg. Hiaxee vut sidai ee sewzinn longxx qongw ix jinjniar si sniabunn. Purna iong hongven, hro buliong vaccingx jiongwsingx did diyc lirig, qycc qauwhuar buliong asamkhya ee langg, hro inx lipjir dirr anuttara-samyak-sambodhi. Uirr cingjing vudtow ee enqor, ix dniardnia jinwhingg vudsu laii qauwhuar jiongwsingx. 

Jiongww bikiu! Purna iarr si dirr quewkir cid xui vut suathuad ee langg lairdew siongrr cutdiyh :ee. Jitmaw dirr guaw ee suathuad ee derjuw lairdew, ix iarr si siongrr cutdiyh. Dirr ixau ee qiab, dirr jiongww vut ee derjuw lairdew, ix iarr si suathuad siongrr cutdiyh :ee, longxx decc horcii qapp vangjo suanqangw vudhuad. Ix iarr dirr birlaii horcii qapp vangjo suanqangw buliong buvenx jiongww vut ee Hxuad, qaurhuar buliong jiongwsingx, hro inx did diyc lirig, hro inx libjir dirr anuttara-samyak-sambodhiUirr cingjing vudtow ee enqor, ix dniardnia jingjinr decc qauwhuar jiongwsingx. 

Ix jiamrjiam uansingg posad ee dy, quer buliong asamkhya qiab, qaidongx e dirr jitt xee qoktow did diyc anuttara-samyak-sambodhi, qiyr jyr Dharmaprabhasa (Hxuad Bingg) Zulaii,  Ingqaix Qiong’iongw, Jniar Venww Qakdix, Diwhui qapp Dikhing Uanbuanw, Sxen Quewongw, Liauxqaiw Sewqanx, Busiong Sru, Diauhyy Diongrhux, Tenzinn qapp Langg ee Suhu, Vut, Sewjunx. Jitt xui vut ixx Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong hiacc je ee samcenx daircenx sewqair jyr jit xee vudtow. De si cid vyw jyr :ee, de vnitnaw bersux ciuxjniuw, byy snuamec, snuaqog iacc qau'amm, cid vyw jyr ee lauqyh ciongbuanw qidiongx. Jerje tenzinn ee qiongden dirr kongdiongx uaw de dirr hunrqin. Langg qapp tenzinn jicjiab, horsiongx tangx knuar .diyc. Byy qokk jiongw og dy, iarr byy luxzinn, itcer jiongwsingx longxx si huawsnix :ee. Inx byy imsimx, u dua sintongx, sinkux vangr cud qongbingg, tangx jurjai decc vuex.

Inx ee jiwhiongr qapp sinwliam qenqor, jinwcuw qycc u diwhui, poxpenr longxx si qimsig, u snax-jap-zi xee siongwmau laii jonggiamm jursinx. Hitt qog ee jiongwsingx dniardnia ixx nng hxang jyr jiahsit, jit hxang si Hxuad-hiw, lingrgua jit hxang si sendnia-hiw. 

Qycc u buliong asamkhya cenbanrig nayuta hiacc je ee posad dairjiongr did diyc dua sintongx, u sir jiongw byy jiongwgai ee diwhui, gauu qauwhuar jiongwsingx. Sniabunn dairjiongr ee sowliong sngr be liauw, byy huatdo jaix. Inx longxx u lak jiongw sintongx, snax hxang bingvik qapp veh jiongw qaixtuad. 

Hitt xui vut ee qoktow u jitt hy buliong ee qongdig, jonggiamm qapp singjiu. Qiab ee miaa si Ratnavabhasa (Vyw Bingg), qog ee miaa si Suvisuddha (Cingjing Sxen). Hitt xui vut ee siurbing u buliong asamkhya qiab. Hxuad junjai jiokk quw. Vut beddo liauxau, hitt qog dirr muaw siwqer kiw cid vyw ee tah.”

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter VIII The Five Hundred Disciples Receive Their Predictions 1)

At that time, Pūrṇa, the son of Maitrāyaṇī, after hearing the Buddha teach the Dharma according to what is appropriate to sentient beings through the wisdom of skillful means and bestow the prediction of highest, complete enlightenment on all the great disciples, and then hearing stories about past causes and conditions and that all the buddhas have obtained perfect mastery of transcendent powers, obtained an unprecedented experience and became pure in mind and joyful. He immediately rose from his seat, went into the presence of the Buddha, bowed until his forehead touched the Buddha’s feet, and then stood to one side gazing unwaveringly at the Buddha and thought this: The Bhagavat is truly marvelous. His actions are rare. He teaches the Dharma according to the natural capacities of the beings in the world through skillful means, wisdom, and insight. He leads sentient beings away from their various attachments. We have no words to describe the Buddha’s qualities. Only the Buddha, the Bhagavat, is able to know our deep intentions and original vow. 

Then the Buddha addressed the monks, saying: “Do you see Pūrṇa, the son of Maitrāyaṇī? I always praise him as the foremost among the teachers of the Dharma. I also always praise his various qualities. He diligently maintains and propagates my teaching and is able to gladden and benefit the fourfold assembly. He interprets the True Dharma of the buddhas perfectly and greatly benefits those who practice the pure path of discipline and integrity together with him. With the exception of the Tathāgata no one else explains the doctrine more eloquently. 

“You must not think that Pūrṇa is only now able to protect and propagate my teaching. He also protected and propagated the True Dharma of the buddhas in the presence of ninety koṭis of buddhas in the past when he was always the foremost among the teachers of the Dharma. Moreover he was completely versed in the teaching of emptiness that the buddhas taught, and attained the fourfold unobstructed wisdom. He has always been able to teach the Dharma clearly and purely. He never had any doubts and was endowed with the transcendent powers of the bodhisattvas. Throughout each life he always practiced the pure path of discipline and integrity. The people who lived in the same buddha world all thought he really was a śrāvaka, yet Pūrṇa benefited immeasurable hundreds of thousands of sentient beings through this skillful means and also led and inspired immeasurable incalculable numbers of beings and caused them to attain highest, complete enlightenment. In order to purify the buddha land he always did what the buddhas have done and led and inspired sentient beings. 

“O monks! Pūrṇa also was able to become the foremost among the teachers of the Dharma under the past seven buddhas; and he is also the foremost of those who preach the Dharma under me. He will also be the foremost among the teachers of the Dharma under the future buddhas in this auspicious kalpa. He will protect and propagate the Buddha-Dharma; and also in the future he will protect and propagate the Dharma of incalculable limitless buddhas. He will lead, inspire, and benefit incalculable sentient beings and cause them to attain highest, complete enlightenment. In order to purify the buddha lands he will always be diligent and persevering, leading and inspiring sentient beings. 

“He will gradually perfect the bodhisattva path and, after immeasurable incalculable kalpas, he will attain highest, complete enlightenment in this land. He will be called Dharmaprabhāsa, a Tathāgata, Arhat, Completely Enlightened, Perfect in Knowledge and Conduct, Well-Departed, Knower of the World, Unsurpassed, Tamer of Humans, Teacher of Devas and Humans, Buddha, Bhagavat. That Buddha’s land will consist of all the worlds in the great manifold cosmos, equal in number to the sands of the Ganges River. The earth will be made of the seven treasures and it will be level, just like the palm of one’s hand. There will be no mountains, valleys, or hollow places. This land will be filled with towers of the seven treasures. The heavenly palaces will be in the sky close at hand, and the humans and devas will come and go between them, so that they will be able to see each other. There will be no troubled states of being nor any women. All the sentient beings will be born here spontaneously, without any sexual desires. They will attain great transcendent powers, emit rays of light from their bodies, and fly freely through the air. 

“These beings will be firm in recollection, persevering, and wise. They will all be of golden hue and adorned with the thirty-two marks. The sentient beings in that land will always eat two meals: one being the meal of delight in the Dharma, and the other the meal of pleasure in meditation. 

“There will be immeasurable incalculable thousands of myriads of koṭis of nayutas of bodhisattvas who have attained great transcendent powers and the fourfold unobstructed wisdom. They will be able skillfully to lead and inspire sentient beings. The number of śrāvakas there will be impossible to calculate. They will all perfect the six transcendent powers, the three sciences, and the eight liberations. 

“Such will be the immeasurable merits of this buddha’s land, being perfect in adornment. The kalpa will be called Ratnāvabhāsa and his land will be called Suviśuddha. This buddha’s lifespan will last for immeasurable incalculable kalpas, and the Dharma will abide for a very long time. After the parinirvāṇa of that buddha, stupas of the seven treasures will be erected everywhere throughout the land.”

(妙法蓮華經第八品 五百弟子受記之1)

爾時富樓那彌多羅尼子。從佛聞是智慧方便隨宜說法。又聞授諸大弟子阿耨多羅三藐三菩提記。復聞宿世因緣之事。復聞諸佛有大自在神通之力。得未曾有心淨踊躍。即從座起到於佛前。頭面禮足却住一面。瞻仰尊顏目不暫捨。而作是念。世尊甚奇特。所為希有。隨順世間若干種性。以方便知見而為說法。拔出眾生處處貪著。我等於佛功德言不能宣。唯佛世尊。能知我等深心本願。爾時佛告諸比丘。汝等見是富樓那彌多羅尼子不。我常稱其於說法人中最為第一。亦常歎其種種功德。精勤護持助宣我法。能於四眾示教利喜。具足解釋佛之正法。而大饒益同梵行者。自捨如來無能盡其言論之辯。汝等勿謂富樓那但能護持助宣我法。亦於過去九十億諸佛所。護持助宣佛之正法。於彼說法人中亦最第一。又於諸佛所說空法。明了通達。得四無礙智。常能審諦清淨說法。無有疑惑。具足菩薩神通之力。隨其壽命常修梵行。彼佛世人。咸皆謂之實是聲聞。而富樓那以斯方便。饒益無量百千眾生。又化無量阿僧祇人。令立阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。為淨佛土故。常作佛事教化眾生。諸比丘。富樓那亦於七佛說法人中而得第一。今於我所說法人中亦為第一。於賢劫中當來諸佛說法人中亦復第一。而皆護持助宣佛法。亦於未來護持助宣無量無邊諸佛之法。教化饒益無量眾生。令立阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。為淨佛土故。常勤精進教化眾生。漸漸具足菩薩之道。過無量阿僧祇劫。當於此土得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。號曰法明如來應供正遍知明行足善逝世間解無上士調御丈夫天人師佛世尊。其佛以恒河沙等三千大千世界為一佛土。七寶為地。地平如掌。無有山陵谿澗溝壑。七寶臺觀充滿其中。諸天宮殿近處虛空。人天交接兩得相見。無諸惡道亦無女人。一切眾生皆以化生。無有婬欲得大神通。身出光明飛行自在。志念堅固精進智慧。普皆金色三十二相。而自莊嚴。其國眾生常以二食。 一者法喜食。二者禪悅食。有無量阿僧祇千萬億那由他諸菩薩眾。得大神通四無礙智。善能教化眾生之類。其聲聞眾。算數校計所不能知。皆得具足六通三明及八解脫。其佛國土。有如是等無量功德莊嚴成就。劫名寶明。國名善淨。其佛壽命。無量阿僧祇劫。法住甚久。佛滅度後。起七寶塔遍滿其國。

