Hitt sijun, Sewjunx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:
"Kaundinya Bikiu
Tangx qnir diyc buliong ee vut
Quer asamkhya qiab
Dyrr singjiu jniawsiong ee qakdix
Dniardnia vangr cud dua qongbingg
Qokk jiongw sintongx uanvi
Miasniax tuann venww sibhongx
Virr itcer soxx qingwdiong
Dniardnia enxsuad busiong ee dy
Soxiw qiyr jyr Samantaprabha (Poxpenr Qongbingg)
Ix ee qoktow cingjing
Posad longxx iongxbingw
Longxx e singquann qaur bixbiau ee lauqyh
Iulik sibhongx qoktow
Ixx busiong qiong’iongw ee kiwqu
Hongrhenr hro jiongww vut
Jyr jiaxee qiong’iongw liauw
Simlai dua hnuahiw
Jit diap quw dngw qaur vunxqog
U jitt hy sintongx ee lat
Vut ee siurbing lak-bxan qiab
Jniar Hxuad liutuann dingvue quw
Cincniu Hxuad qycc dingvue
Hxuad bet .kir tenzinn qapp langg iulu
Qitax go-vah xee bikiu
Sui’ xee aw jyr vut
Longxx qiyr jyr Poxpenr Qongbingg
Sui’ xee aw e qa'ngg jyr qiwzin, qongw:
Guaw beddo liauxau
Bxow qxah e jyr vut
Soxx qauwhuar ee sewqanx
Cincniu guaw qimzit :ee
Qoktow jonggiamm qycc cingjing
U jiongxjiongw sintongx ee lat
Posad qapp sniabunn ee dairjiongr
Jniar Hxuad qapp Cincniu Hxuad
Siurbing qiapsor zuarr je
Longxx cincniu dingxbin soxx qongw
Kasyapa liw ixx jaix
Go-vah xee simx jurjai :ee
Qitax sniabunn ee dairjiongr
Iarr e zucuw
Qitax byy dirr jitt xee huathue :ee
Liw diyhh uirr inx suanqangw”
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter VIII The Five Hundred Disciples Receive Their Predictions 4)
Then the Bhagavat, wanting to elaborate the meaning of this further, spoke these verses:
The monk Kauṇḍinya
Will meet immeasurable buddhas
And, after incalculable kalpas have passed,
He will attain perfect enlightenment.
He will always emit a great ray of light
And will be endowed with transcendent powers.
His fame will spread universally
Throughout the ten directions.
He will be honored by all beings
And will always teach the highest path;
He will therefore be called Samantaprabha.
His land will be pure,
And the bodhisattvas there
Will all be of great vigor.
They will all ascend marvelous towers
And roam in the lands of the ten directions;
They will present the most excellent offerings
To all of the buddhas.
After having shown their reverence in this way,
They will be full of great joy
And immediately return to their own lands.
Such will be their transcendent powers.
The lifespan of this buddha
Will be sixty thousand kalpas
And the True Dharma will last
Twice as long as his lifespan.
The Semblance Dharma
Will last twice as long as this.
When the Dharma disappears,
The devas and humans will grieve.
Those five hundred monks
Will become buddhas each in their turn,
All having the same name Samantaprabha.
They will give predictions
One after the other, saying:
After my parinirvāṇa
So-and-so will become a buddha.
The world he inspires
Will be exactly like mine today.
The embellishments of their lands,
All the transcendent powers,
The assembly of bodhisattvas and śrāvakas,
The True and Semblance Dharma,
The lifespan and duration of the kalpa,
Will be just as I explained before.
O Kāśyapa! You now know
That the five hundred arhats
Whose minds are free,
And the remaining śrāvakas
Will also be exactly like this.
You should teach those
Who are not in this assembly!
(妙法蓮華經第八品 五百弟子受記之4)
憍陳如比丘 當見無量佛
過阿僧祇劫 乃成等正覺
常放大光明 具足諸神通
名聞遍十方 一切之所敬
常說無上道 故號為普明
其國土清淨 菩薩皆勇猛
咸昇妙樓閣 遊諸十方國
以無上供具 奉獻於諸佛
作是供養已 心懷大歡喜
須臾還本國 有如是神力
佛壽六萬劫 正法住倍壽
像法復倍是 法滅天人憂
其五百比丘 次第當作佛
同號曰普明 轉次而授記
我滅度之後 某甲當作佛
其所化世間 亦如我今日
國土之嚴淨 及諸神通力
菩薩聲聞眾 正法及像法
壽命劫多少 皆如上所說
迦葉汝已知 五百自在者
餘諸聲聞眾 亦當復如是
其不在此會 汝當為宣說