Hitt sijun, Sewjunx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:
“Jiongww bikiu jimjiog tniax
Vut ee derjuw soxx sidjenr ee dy
U hyw hyw yc diyc hongven hxuad ee enqor
Jaix jingwlangg air Siyxsingg
Duiww Dairsing e qniax
Soxiw jiongww posad
Qew jyr si sniabunn iacc enqag
Iong busor ee hongven
Qauwhuar jiongwsingx
Qongw qaqi si sniabunn
Li vuddy iauxx jin’ hng
Dortuad buliong jiongwsingx
Hro inx longxx did diyc singjiu
Hro air Siysingg sniu vinrdnua :ee
Jiamrjiam tangx jniaa jyr vut
Luersimx viwbit decc sidjenr posathing
Guarviauw si sniabunn
Jiyw iogbog qycc duiww snesiw iawsen
Qaqi sidjenr decc cingjing vudtow
Kaisi jiongwsingx u snax jiongw hairdok
Qycc henxhen siaa qenwsig ee siongr
Guaw ee derjuw dyrr si anxnex
Iong hongven hxuad decc dro jiongwsingx
Guaw narr sueh uanjuann
Jiongxjiongw ix qauwhuar ee su
Jiongwsingx tniax .diyc
Simx dyrr u gihik
Jitmaw jitt xee Purna
Dirr ingxsii cing'ig xui vut hiax
Qutlat siuhing soxx sidjenr ee dy
Suanqangw qapp horcii qokk jiongw vudhuad
Uirr qriuu busiong ee diwhui
Dirr jerje vut hiax
Diamr dirr derjuw ee dingxui
Je qenwbunn qycc u diwhui
Soxx qongw :ee byy soxx qniax
Tangx hro jingwlangg hnuahiw
M bad u iawsen
Laii vangjo vut ee su
Ixx did diyc dua sintongx
Sir jiongw byy jiongwgai ee diwhui jiauvi
Jaix jingwlangg ee qinx-dxir lrai iacc dun
Dniardnia suansuad cingjing ee Hxuad
Enxsuad jitt hy ywgi
Qauwhuar jerje cing’ig ee dairjiongr
Hro inx diamr dirr Dairsing
Jursinx cingjing vudtow
Birlaii iarr qiong’iongw
Buliong busor ee vut
Vyxho qapp vangjo suanqangw Jniar Hxuad
Iarr cingjing qaqi ee vudtow
Dniardnia iong jiongxjiongw hongven hxuad
Suathuad byy soxx qniahniaa
Soxx dro ee jiongwsingx sngr be liauw
Hro inx singjiu itcer diwhui
Qiong’iongw jerje Zulaii
Horcii Hxuad ee vyw
Liauxau tangx jniaa jyr vut
Qiyr jyr Dharmaprabhasa(Hxuad Bingg)
Qog ee miaa qiyr jyr Suvisuddha(Cingjing Sxen)
Si cid jiongw vyw habsingg :ee
Qiab ee miaa si Ratnavabhasa(Vyw Bingg)
Posad ee dairjiongr jiokk je
Sowliong si buliong ig
Longxx did diyc dua sintongx
Uidig ee lat uanvi
Ciongbuanw dirr hitt xee qoktow
Sniabunn iarr si busor
U snax hxang bingvik qapp veh jiongw qaixtuad
Did diyc sir jiongw byy jiongwgai ee diwhui
Jiaxee si jingdoo
Hitt qog ee jiongwsingx
Imsimx longxx ixx dng
Longxx si huawsnix
U jonggiamm ee siongwtew
Ixx Hxuad-hiw qapp sendnia-hiw jyr jiahsit
Byy sniu beh jiac vadd hxang
Byy luxzinn
Iarr byy qokk jiongw og dy
Purna Bikiu
Qongdig longxx uanbuanw
Tangx did diyc jitt hy cingjing ee qoktow
Henbingg ee singwjiaw iauxx jin’ je
Jitt hy buliong ee dairjir
Guaw jitmaw dna' coliok qongw”
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter VIII The Five Hundred Disciples Receive Their Predictions 2)
Then the Bhagavat, wanting to elaborate on the meaning of this further, spoke these verses:
O monks! Listen carefully!
The path that the heir of the buddhas
Has practiced by learning skillful means
Cannot be conceived.
Because the bodhisattvas know
That sentient beings long for inferior teachings
And are afraid of great knowledge,
They make themselves either śrāvakas
Or pratyekabuddhas.
They inspire those sentient beings
Using innumerable skillful means, saying:
We are śrāvakas and still very far away
From attaining the buddha path.
They save immeasurable sentient beings,
All of whom they cause to attain perfection;
And they even cause those who are lazy,
Or who have lowly intentions,
Gradually to become buddhas.
These beings secretly carry out the bodhisattva practice
While outwardly calling themselves śrāvakas.
Having little desire,
Their thoughts fixed on birth and death,
They in fact purify the buddha lands.
These bodhisattvas show sentient beings
That they have the three poisons
And further they reveal the mark of false views.
In this way my disciples save
Sentient beings through skillful means.
If I fully disclosed
That they had taken on various forms,
The sentient beings hearing this
Would immediately become doubtful.
This Pūrṇa has now practiced the path
Under thousands of koṭis of buddhas in the past,
And he has propagated and protected
The teaching of these buddhas.
Seeking the highest wisdom
Under all these buddhas,
He showed that he was the foremost
Among the disciples,
And that he was knowledgeable and wise.
Fearless in his teaching,
He was able to gladden the people.
He never tired in performing
The actions of a buddha.
He has already attained the great transcendent powers
And is endowed with the fourfold unobstructed wisdom.
Knowing whether the faculties
Of sentient beings are sharp or dull,
He always teaches the pure Dharma.
Expounding such doctrines as these,
He has taught thousands of koṭis of beings
And, by making them abide in the Mahayana teaching,
He himself has purified his buddha land.
In the future he will also pay homage to
Incalculable innumerable buddhas,
Protect and propagate the True Dharma,
And also purify his buddha land.
He will always fearlessly teach the Dharma
Using his skillful means,
Save incalculable sentient beings,
And enable them to achieve omniscience.
Paying homage to all the Tathāgatas
And preserving the treasure house of the Dharma,
He will eventually become the Buddha
Called Dharmaprabhāsa.
His land will be called Suviśuddha
Which will consist of the seven treasures;
His kalpa will be called Ratnāvabhāsa.
There will be a large number of bodhisattvas there
Numbering immeasurable koṭis.
His buddha land will be filled
With bodhisattvas who have attained
Great transcendent powers,
And are endowed with dignity.
There will also be innumerable śrāvakas
Who have perfected the three sciences,
The eight liberations,
And the fourfold unobstructed wisdom.
Such beings as these will form the sangha.
The sentient beings in his land
Will have already cut themselves off from sexual desires.
Everyone there will thus be pure and born spontaneously,
With bodies adorned with the thirty-two marks.
They will feast on delight in the Dharma
And pleasure in meditation,
Never thinking of eating anything else.
There will be neither women
Nor troubled states of existence.
The qualities of the monk Pūrṇa
Will be completely perfected
And there will be many wise people
In this pure land. I am now only briefly explaining
These immeasurable things.
(妙法蓮華經第八品 五百弟子受記之2)
諸比丘諦聽 佛子所行道
善學方便故 不可得思議
知眾樂小法 而畏於大智
是故諸菩薩 作聲聞緣覺
以無數方便 化諸眾生類
自說是聲聞 去佛道甚遠
度脫無量眾 皆悉得成就
雖小欲懈怠 漸當令作佛
內祕菩薩行 外現是聲聞
少欲厭生死 實自淨佛土
示眾有三毒 又現邪見相
我弟子如是 方便度眾生
若我具足說 種種現化事
眾生聞是者 心則懷疑惑
今此富樓那 於昔千億佛
勤修所行道 宣護諸佛法
為求無上慧 而於諸佛所
現居弟子上 多聞有智慧
所說無所畏 能令眾歡喜
未曾有疲惓 而以助佛事
已度大神通 具四無礙智
知諸根利鈍 常說清淨法
演暢如是義 教諸千億眾
令住大乘法 而自淨佛土
未來亦供養 無量無數佛
護助宣正法 亦自淨佛土
常以諸方便 說法無所畏
度不可計眾 成就一切智
供養諸如來 護持法寶藏
其後得成佛 號名曰法明
其國名善淨 七寶所合成
劫名為寶明 菩薩眾甚多
其數無量億 皆度大神通
威德力具足 充滿其國土
聲聞亦無數 三明八解脫
得四無礙智 以是等為僧
其國諸眾生 婬欲皆已斷
純一變化生 具相莊嚴身
法喜禪悅食 更無餘食想
無有諸女人 亦無諸惡道
富樓那比丘 功德悉成滿
當得斯淨土 賢聖眾甚多
如是無量事 我今但略說