
Iyhsux Liuliqngx Zulaii Vunxguan Qongdig Qingx (5)

Derr id dua guan: Guan guaw dirr birlaii sxer did anuttara samyaksambodhi ee sii, jursinx qongbingg, qngx iamriam jiyr buliong busor buvenx sewqair, iong snax-jap-zi jiongw dairdiongrhux ee siongwtew qapp veh-jap jiongw hingtoo jonggiamm jursinx, hro itcer u jxingg ee jiongwsingx longxx cincniu guaw qangrkuanw.

(The Sutra of the Master of Healing -- 5)

The first vow. 'I vow that, after my reincarnation and having attained unexcelled complete Enlightenment, my body should be shining like a brilliant light, throwing beams on infinite, and boundless, worlds, adorned with a retinue of thirty-two forms of the Great Men and with eighty physical characteristics of the Buddha, I shall make all beings wholly equal to me.'

(藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經 --5)


