Hitt sijun, Huat’ongg ee qniaw Manjushri singsiu Vut uidig ee sinlik, an’ jyrui vreh kiw, jit vingg ee qingqah teh teh, jniar vingg ee katauux kap de, hiongr Bagavan habjiongw qiokqiongx duiww Sewjunx qongw, “Dna’ guan liw enxsuad vut ee miahy, dua vunxguan, qapp busiong ee qongdig jiaxee su, tangx hro tniax .diyc .ee siauduu giabjiongr, hro dirr Cincniu Hxuad Sidai soxu u jxingg ee jiongwsingx did diyc lirig qapp anlok.”
(The Sutra of the Master of Healing -- 2)
Then Manjushri, son of the Dharma-king and chief disciple of the Buddha, rose from his seat. He bared one of his shoulders, bent his right knee to the ground in the direction of Bhagavan, bowed, joined the palms of his hands, and reverently said: "World-honoured! We only wish you would tell us such and such names of the Buddha, their original vows, and their boundless virtues so that the hearers may know how to keep away from all karmic hindrances by their wisdom, to the blessing and joy of all beings who live in the formal period of Buddhism."
(藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經 --2)