SundarÁnanda an' jyrui vreh kiw, hiongr Vuddyy ee kax qnialew, suar qra Vuddyy qongw, "Guaw cocox cutqex duer Vuddyy jinwzip siudy. Suizenn u junsiuw qaiwlut, dirr siulen samadihi ee sii, simx suwsiongg e hongr hongr, be tangx did diyc byy lrau (huanlyw). Sewjunx qar guaw qapp Kaushthia quancad pnirtauu ee vec daimw. Guaw kixcox jimjiog quancad. Qingquer sxamx-cid zxic-id zit, knuar diyc pni-aw lairdew cutzip ee krir naxx enx. Srinx qapp simx lairgua hunbingg, uanbuanw dongrcad jitt xee sewqair, jit siwqer jniaa jyr hukongx cingjing, bersux liulii, enx ee siongwtew jiamrjiam siausid, pni ee kuir jniaa jyr vehsig :ee. Simx kuix, huanlyw jin bet. Soxu cutzip ee kuir huar jyr qongbingg jiywqngx sibhongx sewqair, jurr anxnex did arhat. Sewjunx anwdnia guaw e did potee ee qongqyw. Vuddyy mng quanhe uanbuanw tongdat. Kuir siausid, quw .laii dyrr did diyc kexhuad bingvik, bingqngx uanbuanw, huanlyw jin bet, guaw zinruii jitt hxang vaii derr id."
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 5 --25)
SundarÁnanda arose from his seat, bowed at the Buddha’s feet, and said to the Buddha, "When I first left home and followed the Buddha to enter the Way, I received the complete precepts, but my mind was always too scattered for samádhi, and I could not attain the state of having no outflows. The World Honored One taught Kaushthila and me to contemplate the white spot at the tip of our noses. From the first, I contemplated intently. After three weeks, I saw that when I inhaled and exhaled, the breath in my nostrils looked like smoke. Internally my body and mind became bright, and externally I perfectly understood that the world was like crystal, empty and pure. The smoky appearance gradually disappeared, and the breath in my nostrils became white. My mind opened and my outflows were ended. Every inhalation and exhalation of breath was transformed into light, which illumined the ten directions, and I attained Arhat-ship. The World Honored One predicted that in the future I would obtain Bodhi. The Buddha asks about perfect penetration. I did it by means of the disappearance of the breath, until eventually the breath emitted light and the light completely extinguished my outflows. That is the foremost means."
SundarÁnanda arose from his seat, bowed at the Buddha’s feet, and said to the Buddha, "When I first left home and followed the Buddha to enter the Way, I received the complete precepts, but my mind was always too scattered for samádhi, and I could not attain the state of having no outflows. The World Honored One taught Kaushthila and me to contemplate the white spot at the tip of our noses. From the first, I contemplated intently. After three weeks, I saw that when I inhaled and exhaled, the breath in my nostrils looked like smoke. Internally my body and mind became bright, and externally I perfectly understood that the world was like crystal, empty and pure. The smoky appearance gradually disappeared, and the breath in my nostrils became white. My mind opened and my outflows were ended. Every inhalation and exhalation of breath was transformed into light, which illumined the ten directions, and I attained Arhat-ship. The World Honored One predicted that in the future I would obtain Bodhi. The Buddha asks about perfect penetration. I did it by means of the disappearance of the breath, until eventually the breath emitted light and the light completely extinguished my outflows. That is the foremost means."