Gavampati an' jyrui vreh kiw, hiongr Vuddyy ee kax qnialew, suar qra Vuddyy qongw, "Guaw u kauxgiap. Dirr quewkir qiab u buxban shramana, mrjiacc jit sxer suar jit sxer longxx u naxx guu decc huancauw ee vnerjingr. Zulaii qar guaw itbi cingjing simde jitt hxang huatmngg. Guaw tangx bet simx zip samadhi. Quancad jubi liauxqaiw diyc m si siongwtew iarr m si budjid. Ciauuat sewqanx soxu huanlyw qaidongx u did .diyc. Duiww lai qaixtuad srinx qapp simx, duiww gua qra sewqair vangr hng hng .kir. Lirkuix snax hxang u, bersux jiauw-aw vangr cud lamx. Lirkuix amjamx, siauduu din'aix. Hautganw cingjing, jniaa juer arhat. Zulaii cinsinx inwjingr guaw u dinglimm mrbenw qycc hagsib ee dyrlo. Vuddyy mng quanhe uanbuanw tongdat. Jiauww guaw soxx giamrjingr :ee, huedngw jubi dngw kir qakdix, jitt hxang vaii derr id."
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 5 --20)
Gavampati arose from his seat, bowed at the Buddha’s feet, and said to the Buddha, "I created an offense that resulted in mouth karma in a past eon. I slighted a Shramana, and in life after life I’ve had this cow-cud sickness. The Thus Come One taught me the mind-ground Dharma-door of the purity of a single flavor. My thoughts ended, I entered samádhi, and learned by contemplating flavors—how they have no substance and are not things. As a result my mind transcended all worldly outflows. Internally my body and mind were liberated and externally I abandoned the world. I left the three realms of existence far behind, just like a bird released from its cage. I separated from filth and wiped out defilements, and so my Dharma eye became pure, and I accomplished Arhat-ship. The Thus Come One personally certified me as having ascended to the stage beyond study. The Buddha asks about perfect penetration. As I have been certified to it, returning flavor and turning awareness around is the foremost means."
憍梵砵提。即從座起。頂禮佛足。而白佛言。我有口業。於過去劫輕弄沙門。世世生生有牛呵病。如來示我一味清淨心地法門。我得滅心入三摩地。觀味之知。非體非 物。應念得超世間諸漏。內脫身心。外遺世界。遠離三有。如鳥出籠。離垢銷塵。法眼清淨。成阿羅漢。如來親印登無學道。佛問圓通。如我所證。還味旋知。斯為第一。