sii, Sewjunx tingxsinx vangwsia cud dua qongbingg, venwvenr jiywqngx vaccingbanrig naxx
Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong hiacc je ee jerje vut ee sewqair. Ix cud dua imsniax, qra jiongww vut ee sewqair lairdew itcer jiongww dua posad, ixqip tenzinn, lringg, qxuiw,
sinn, langg, qapp huizinlui dingxdingw jiaxee qongw, "Tniax guaw qimzit ylyw qapp janwtanr Derjong Dua
Posad. Dirr sibhongx sewqair, ix henr cud vutsugi uidig qapp juvix ee lat,
qiuwho itcer in'ui huanrjue laii siurkow jiaxee dairjir. Guaw beddo liauxau, linw jiaxee posad
dairsu, ixqip tenzinn, lringg, qxuiw, qapp sinn dingxdingw diyhh siwqer sijer hongven
hxuad, horue jitt vxo qingx, hro itcer jiongwsingx tangx giamrjingr diyc liappuann
ee kuaiwlok."
(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)
(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)
(The Thus Come One's Praises -1)
At that time the World Honored One emitted a great bright light from his
entire body, totally illuminating Buddhalands as many as grains of sand in
billions of Ganges Rivers. His strong voice reached to all the Bodhisattvas,
Mahasattvas in those Buddhalands, as well as to the gods, dragons, ghosts and
spirits, humans, non-humans and others, saying, "Listen today, as I praise
Earth Store Bodhisattva, Mahasattva, who displays an inconceivable awesome
spiritual strength and compassionate power throughout the Ten Directions as he
rescues and protects beings when things happen to them as they suffer for
offenses they have committed. After I pass into Nirvana, all of you
Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas and all of you gods, dragons, ghosts, spirits, and
others should use vast numbers of expedient means to protect this Sutra and to
cause all beings to realize the bliss of Nirvana."
(如來讚歎品 - 1)