Qycc u, senrlamjuw! Qongw diyc duiww tazinn ee qongdig suihiw, soxu huatqair, hukongx ee sewqair, sibhongx samser itcer vudqog lairdew qik biser din’aix sowliong hiacc je ee vut Zulaii, an’ co' huatsimx, uirr itcer diwhui, qutlat siulen jikju hokdig, byy siyh sinmia, qingquer qongw be liauw ee vudqog lairdew qik biser din’aix sowliong hiacc je ee qiab. Dirr muixx jit xee qiab, siawsag qongw be liauw ee vudqog lairdew qik biser din’aix sowliong hiacc je ee tauu, bak, ciuw, qapp kax. Zucuw itcer lann sidjenr ee koxhingg, jiongxjiongw paramita uanbuanw, giamrjingr qapp jinwzip jiongxjiongw posad jiacc u ee diwhui-de, singjiu jiongww vut ee busiong potee, qaur parinirvana hunvuah sarina, soxu senrqinx, guaw longxx suihiw. Duiww sibhongx itcer sewqair ee lak dy sir singlingg itcer jiongxlui, soxu qongdig, simrjiww jit liap din’aix, guaw longxx suihiw. Sibhongx samser itcer sniabunn qapp pratyekabuddha, decc yc iacc benw qycc yc :ee, soxu qongdig, guaw longxx suihiw. Itcer posad soxx siuhing ee buliong lann sidjenr ee koxhingg, jiwbang busiong jniawdingw potee, qongxdai ee qongdig, guaw longxx suihiw.
Zucuw, hukongx ee sewqair qiongjin, jiongwsingx ee sewqair qiongjin, jiongwsingx ee giap qiongjin, qapp jiongwsingx ee huanlyw qiongjin, guaw jitt xee suihiw jiacc u qiongjin. Jit liam suar jit liam byy qnaiwdng, srinx-giw-ir jitt snax jiongw giap longxx be iawsen.
(The Practices and Vows of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra --6)
Again, O Noble-minded Man, what is meant by “approving of and rejoicing at the merits and virtues of others”? In Buddhalands, the Buddhas, equal in number to the smallest dust-motes of all the worlds, throughout all the Dharma-circles and cosmic void, of the ten quarters and in the duration of the three yugas, have devoted their lives to the sole purpose of acquiring all wisdom, and diligently accumulating merit. Since they began to direct their minds (toward Bodhi), throughout the duration of unutterable and innumerable kalpas and in Buddha-domains, equal in number to the smallest dust-motes of all worlds. During each Kalpa, having sacrificed their heads, eyes, hands, and feet, in unutterable and incalculable numbers as the smallest dust-motes of Buddha-spheres, having thus overcome all difficulties, and accomplished all the arduous tasks, perfected the various stages of paramita, passing through the experiences of the Bodhisattva-wisdom, and accomplished the highest Bodhi of Buddhas till entered into Parinirvana, whereupon they distributed the sariras. All such good roots of merit I emulate and rejoice in.
Moreover, whatever merit or virtue may be possessed by any being, either of the six divisions of existence , or belonging to the four kinds of birth, or appertaining to any species of life in the worlds of the ten quarters, though such merit may be as infinitesimal as a grain of dust, all will have my sympathy and corresponding regard, with all such I rejoice.
Again, all the Sravakas, the Pratyeka-Buddhas, the thoroughly learned ones, and those who are still to be advanced on the path of disciples, all such are the saints of the ten quarters and the three generations, with whom I rejoice in their merit if any may be possessed.
All the Bodhisattvas who through infinite self-sacrifice and boundless achievement have overcome all obstacles and having formed the wish to attain the highest goal of Bodhi, with them also I rejoice in their vast merits. Thus, even though the void of space, together with the states of beings, with the karmas of beings, with the sorrows of beings, though all these be ended, yet my approval and joy in the merits of all beings will not be ended. Thought succeeding thought without interruption, in bodily, vocal, and mental deeds without weariness.
(普賢菩薩十大行願 --6)