
Poxhenn Posad Jap Dua Hinggii qapp Sewguan (7)

Qycc u, senrliamjuw! Qongw diyc dngw huatlenw, soxu huatqair, hukongx ee sewqair, sibhongx samser itcer vudqog huar jyr qik biser din’aix, muixx jit xee qokk u qongw be liauw ee vudqog cincniu qik biser din’aix sowliong hiacc je ee qongxdai vudqog. Muixx jit xee vudqog lairdew, muitt jit liam u qongw be liauw ee vudqog cincniu qik biser din’aix sowliong hiacc je ee jerje vut singjiu jniawdingw qakdix, u je qaxx cincniu haiw ee posad qra uii lehh. Guaw iong srinx-kauw-ir jitt snax jiongw giap ee jiongxjiongw hongven, qutlat kunxqiuu inx dngw bibiau ee huatlenw. 

Zucuw, hukongx ee sewqair qiongjin, jiongwsingx ee sewqair qiongjin, jiongwsingx ee giap qiongjin, qapp jiongwsingx ee huanlyw qiongjin, guaw sisiongg kunxqiuu itcer jiongww vut dngw huatlen byy qiongjin. Jit liam suar jit liam byy qnaiwdng, srinx-giw-ir jitt snax jiongw giap longxx be iawsen.

(The Practices and Vows of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra --7)

Again, O Noble-minded Man, what is meant by beseeching the Buddhas to set in motion the “Wheel of Dharma”? It means that I will apply my body, speech, and mental efforts, and various expedient means, and the most skilful methods, earnestly to request the Buddhas to rotate the wondrous wheel of Dharma. Such Buddhas are incalculable in number as the smallest (flying) dust-motes of the Buddha-domains of the ten quarters, and the three yugas, throughout the Dharma-realms and the cosmic void; each dust-mote respectively contains therein unutterable and innumerable vast Buddha-lands, equal in number to the smallest dust-motes. In each country dwell ineffable and innumerable Buddhas equal to the smallest dust-motes in number. In each moment there are Buddhas, equal to the smallest dust-motes in number, who are attaining enlightenment, and each is surrounded by an ocean-wide assembly of all Bodhisattvas. I constantly request such Buddhas to turn the Wheel of Right Dharma. Thus, even though the space of the void has ended, and likewise the world of beings, the karmas of beings, and the sorrows of beings, all have ended, yet my request is endless. Thought succeeding thought without interruption, and in bodily, vocal, and mental deeds, without weariness.

(普賢菩薩十大行願 --7)

復次善男子,言請轉法輪者。 所有盡法界虛空界,十方三世一切佛剎極微塵中,一一各有不可說不可說佛剎極微塵數廣大佛剎。一一剎中,念念有不可說不可說佛剎極微塵數一切諸佛成等正覺,一切菩薩海會圍繞。而我悉以身口意業,種種方便,殷勤勸請,轉妙法輪。如是虛空界盡,眾生界盡,眾生業盡,眾生煩惱盡,我常勸請一切諸佛轉正法輪,無有窮盡。念念相續,無有間斷。身語意業,無有疲厭。

